TLG Models
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Model Team

This page contains links to models authored by myself and others from actual LEGO set instructions.

Anyone wishing to contribute their creations need to see the standards page, and then email their work to me.  I'll then check it out and post it here.  If any one theme/subtheme gets to unwieldy for inclusion on this page I will create a separate page for it.

Each entry has been sorted according to theme and subtheme, and from there sorted by set number.  Each entry also has a picture, a summary, a list of authors (if known), links to send authors email and their websites (if any), a date of listing here or when it was last updated, and links to the material in various formats.

General Space Town Technic
Model Team (1) Classic (5) RESQ911 (1)
Blacktron I (0)
Blacktron II (1)
Explorien (1)
Ice Planet (2)
M:Tron (0)
Copyright ©1999 Kevin M Bane.
This is a fan created site and is not affiliated with the LEGO Group in any way.
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact Battlehammer.
Last updated: January 26, 1999