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undcon.gif (25967 bytes)

All areas are always Under Construction

The Explorien Subtheme is based on a group of scientists and adventurers.  Most equipment used by
Exploriens have little to no offesive capabilities, but have extensive defensive,  measuring and detecting
equipment for survey and exploration.




By: Kevin Bane
Email: kevinb01@netfocus.net

Explorien Starship

Website: www.netfocus.net/kevinb
Date Created: December 20, 1998
Date Added: January 16, 1999

6982.jpg (7294 bytes)

Instruction Scan: [Not Available]
LDraw .DAT file: 6982dat.zip
POV of Thumbnail: 6982pov.zip
Notes: Needs minifigs (helmets and torsos not available when I made this file).  Also need the chrome triangles on the radar pieces.



Copyright ©1999 Kevin M Bane.
This is a fan created site and is not affiliated with the LEGO Group in any way.
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact Battlehammer.
Last updated: January 26, 1999