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All areas are always Under Construction

The TLG Models that you submit must adhere to these standards.  I am not being pushy, I just want to have a little organization and a standard format for all files that I have on this website.

  1. The main model filename will be the set number for the model (eg. "6973.dat")
  2. The main model file will contain all steps needed to complete the model.
  3. The main model dat file will contain a "0 STEP" command between all listed instruction steps.
  4. The main model file will be "built" in the same order as the listed instructions.  The only exception to this rule will be construction of "hidden" areas such as the scout pod located in the rear section of the 6973 Deep Freeze Defender.
  5. All submodel files will be subassemblies for steps in the main model file (eg. "6973-E1.dat" will contain only a subassembly for step number one of section E) and complete sections of the main model (eg. "6973-E.dat").
  6. The main model file and all submodel files will contain the following header information:
    (all of this information can be entered using the "FILE>RENAME MODEL" option from LDAO)

    Line 1 - Model Filename
    Line 2 - Model Set Name
    Line 3 - Author name and Date Created
    Line 4 - Authors Email Address (if any)
    Line 5 - Authors Website (if any)
            0 6929.dat
            0 Starfleet Voyager
            0 Kevin M Bane  1/9/98
  7. Any models containing 'Unofficial LCAD' parts should have such parts included in the file.  A text file listing all such parts should be included as well.
  8. The submitted file should also contain a listing of missing or substituted parts such as flexible hoses and special "decorated" pieces like torso patterns.

These rules are under constant revision and refining.  Please come back and check this page before submitting a model in case I have changed something.  If you have any suggestions that you think should be added to this page, don't hesitate to email me!

Thanks for your help!    

Copyright ©1999 Kevin M Bane.
This is a fan created site and is not affiliated with the LEGO Group in any way.
LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO Group.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact Battlehammer.
Last updated: January 24, 1999