SMART Mini Challenges - Compact List
Current Challenge
See Next Meeting link for this months mini-challenge
Mini-challenges are the focus of SMART meetings. They are usually
simple little problems for you to build a robot to solve. We keep the
descriptions short so that you can build whatever you want to satisfy
the challenge. The idea is to challenge yourself. If youre an expert
builder, make the challenge as difficult as you like. And if youre
just a beginner, building a robot that does even a small part of the
challenge may be difficult and a learning opportunity for you.
Mini-challenges are the motivation for you to continue building robots
month after month. They give you a chance to learn by building a robot.
Even building something that doesnt work is a great learning experience.
And at the meeting you will have a chance to learn from others. Bring
whatever you built. If it didnt work, you will get lots of help from
people at the meeting. And if it does work, it will teach others how
to build and program their robots.
Have fun building robots!
Challenges up for vote
Inverted Pendulum
Balance a 1-meter long yardstick above you. Youre not allowed to hold onto it tightly. To simplify this, weve built a base holding the yard stick that only allows it to swing forwards and backwards (no side-to-side motion).
Originally added: Times up for vote: Last vote:
| | November 17, 2001 0 -
Cat Herding
A level, enclosed space has a hundred ping pong balls placed in it. In the center of this space a 2 diameter circle is drawn. Build a robot that herds all the balls onto the circle. Extra points: Stop when you know youre done.
As submitted:
Sheep herding:
Within a confined space a number of lighted bumble balls ( are set loose for a bot to herd in to a pen within a certain amount of time.
Originally added: Times up for vote: Last vote:
| | March 30, 2004 0 -
Wagon push
Push a standard wagon six feet across the finish line. The wagon will have four wheels, the two nearest you are steerable, the further two fixed. The wagon will connect to your robot by a downward pointing axle, four bricks off the floor, and three studs long. The standard wagon will be twelve studs wide, and thirty-two long.
Originally added: Times up for vote: Last vote:
| | April 14, 2001 0 -
Future Challenges
Date added
| | Short description
| | Times up for vote
| | Last vote
| April 14, 2001
| | Tag
| | 0
| | -
| April 14, 2001
| | Steerable multi-legged walker
| | 0
| | -
| April 14, 2001
| | Wagon push
| | 0
| | -
| November 17, 2001
| | Batter Up!
| | 0
| | -
| November 17, 2001
| | Inverted Pendulum
| | 0
| | -
| November 17, 2001
| | Half Pipe
| | 0
| | -
| November 17, 2001
| | Four Corner Escape
| | 0
| | -
| April 27, 2002
| | Line Tracking with Line Breaks
| | 0
| | -
| April 27, 2002
| | Time-Accurate Line Tracking
| | 0
| | -
| May 6, 2003
| | Tug of War
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Web Crawler
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | The Pit and the Pendulum
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Ball Hog
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Log Rolling
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Follow the Leader
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Pac Man
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Walking Tug of War
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Telerobotic Navigation
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Hide and Seek
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Cat Herding
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Pong
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Space Invaders
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Island Hopping
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Orbit Rendevous
| | 0
| | -
| March 30, 2004
| | Stanley & Livingstone
| | 0
| | -
| March 27, 2005
| | See-Saw Sumo
| | 0
| | -
| April 14, 2001
| | Line tracking
| | 1
| | May 19, 2001
| April 14, 2001
| | Getting Up
| | 1
| | May 18, 2002
| April 14, 2001
| | Walking Sumo
| | 1
| | May 18, 2002
| April 14, 2001
| | Search and Gather
| | 1
| | May 18, 2002
| April 14, 2001
| | Line maze
| | 1
| | May 18, 2002
| November 17, 2001
| | Stair Climb
| | 1
| | May 18, 2002
| April 14, 2001
| | Trailer Push
| | 2
| | May 18, 2002
| November 17, 2001
| | Obstacle Course
| | 1
| | May 18, 2002
| May 16, 2002
| | Crevice Crossing
| | 1
| | July 27, 2002
| April 14, 2001
| | Brick Sorter
| | 1
| | July 27, 2002
| April 14, 2001
| | Photocopier
| | 1
| | November 16, 2002
| April 14, 2001
| | Wall Climbing
| | 1
| | November 16, 2002
| April 14, 2001
| | Candy Dispenser
| | 2
| | January 25, 2003
| April 14, 2001
| | Summersaults
| | 1
| | January 25, 2003
| April 14, 2001
| | Axle sorter
| | 1
| | May 17, 2003
| May 16, 2002
| | Peanut Scramble
| | 1
| | May 17, 2003
| January 31, 2004
| | Robo Waiter
| | 1
| | January 31, 2004
| January 31, 2004
| | Jousting
| | 1
| | January 31, 2004
| May 6, 2003
| | Clear the X
| | 1
| | November 20, 2004
| March 30, 2004
| | Maze with Object Retrieval
| | 1
| | November 20, 2004
Grand Challenges
Current: Grand Challenge 2004
The Grand Challenge for 2004 is to build a soccer playing robot. See this post and its followups for more details including specifics about what the arena and ball are like.
Past Grand Challenges
Past Challenges
| | Short description
| | References
| #33 - July 29, 2006
| | Writing or Drawing
| | Pictures
| #32 - May 20, 2006
| | BrickHeap Wars - Space Elevator
| | Pictures
| #31 - March 25, 2006
| | Great Ball Contraption
| | Pictures
| #30 - January 28, 2006
| | Robot Drag Racing
| | Pictures
| #29 - November 19, 2005
| | Simple Gap Crossing
| | Pictures
| #28 - September 24, 2005
| | Robothon Preparation
| | Pictures
| #27 - July 23, 2005
| | Clear the Field
| | Pictures
| #26 - June 25, 2005
| | Step Ladder Traversal
| | Pictures
| #25 - March 26, 2005
| | Line Easter Egg Hunt
| | Pictures
| #24 - January 29, 2005
| | Light Target
| | Pictures
| #23 - November 20, 2004
| | Line Tracking Block Stacking
| | Pictures
| #22 - September 18, 2004
| | BrickHeap Wars
| | Pictures
| #21 - July 31, 2004
| | Milkman Delivery
| | Pictures
| #20 - May 22, 2004
| | Gap Crossing/Cube Gathering
| | Pictures
| #19 - March 27, 2004
| | Crate Passing
| | Pictures
| #18 - January 31, 2004
| | Creative Crate Contraption
| | Pictures
| #17 - November 8, 2003
| | BrickHeap Wars
| | Pictures
| #16 - July 26, 2003
| | Chasm Crossing With Rope
| | n/a
| #15 - May 17, 2003
| | Maxwells Demons and Grand Challenge Figure-8 Racing
| | n/a
| #14 - March 29, 2003
| | Rope Climbing and Grand Challenge Figure-8 Racing
| | Pictures
| #13 - January 25, 2003
| | Token Finding and Grand Challenge Figure-8 Racing
| | Pictures
| #12 - November 16, 2002
| | Slope Traversal
| | Pictures
| #11 - September 28, 2002
| | BrickHeap Wars and Simon Says
| | Pictures
| #10 - July 27, 2002
| | Walking Obstacle Course
| | Pictures
| #9 - May 18, 2002
| | Light Locator
| | Pictures
| #8 - March 30, 2002
| | Dead Reckoning
| | Pictures
| #7 - January 26, 2002
| | Drag Racing
| | Pictures
| #6 - November 17, 2001
| | Workshop 3D RCX Challenge - Second Chance
| |
| #5 - September 15, 2001
| | No mini challenge
| |
| #4 - July 28, 2001
| | Obstacle course
| | Pictures
| #3 - May 19, 2001
| | Walking seeker
| | Pictures
| #2 - March 31, 2001
| | Stay on table
| | Pictures
| #1 - January 28, 2001
| | Edge follower
| | Pictures More Pictures Movies Notes on Gus Janssons Steerbot