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Ben Medinets / new |
Whats NEW July 8, 2011 I was going to start a completely news blog... but why bother? I am also not going to disclose what I got in the mean time. Highlights do include getting a Cafe Corner, Maersk Train, Emerald Night, Midieval Marketplace to name just a limited few. I havent bought too much stuff in general (in my opinion) over the 5 years since I last blogged, since I have other obligations, namely to keep a house and maintain a marriage. Oh and something about keeping gainfull employment so I can enjoy my hobby/obsession. ;) This week I picked up from my post office box (which I have not had as long as this membership to Lugnet, I might add), a toy story Pizza Truck, a Pirates of the Carribean Captains Cabin and Isle de Merta along with 2 more green baseplates. Since the early spring, I have bought 8 green baseplates. I need about 40 or so more baseplates all together, but well see. Tonight Bonnie and I are going go to Toronto for the third month in a row (my schedule luckily allows it) to see the guys from rtlToronto/OBB. We have also talked about stopping at the (relatively new) LEGO store at Sherway Gardens. October 26, 2006 Went shopping at Zellers, BOGOHP sale. Got with Bonnie, Harry Potter Durngstram ship, Harry Potter Horntail Dragon set (both from the Goblet of Fire movie), the Wild Hunters set, and the Air Temple set from 2006 Nick Avatar sets. Will be picking up my next order from LEGO Shop @ Home, the Vikings (Viking Fortress, Viking Ship, and 3 Viking Boats). Since the last time, I also got 3 BNSF train engines from Shop @ Home. September 6, 2006 I picked up my 3rd order from the post office. The 3rd order of 2006 (for me) is: 1 Building Bonanza, 1 Police Station (new one without the light up minifig), 1 Prisoner Transport, 1 Construction site, 1 Digger, 1 mini-digger, and 1 Street Sweeper. It probably wont be a while until I order some more sets, but then again, who knows? ;) August 23, 2006 The contents of the 2nd order are: City Airport (2nd Copy, which really is the 3rd copy of the set since the City Airport was cloned from the Century Skyway). Deal on, which I was a bit late for, buy the City Airport, get a free Lego Truck. So I got the truck free, which I will give to Bonnies newphew, to start his collection.... :-) Police Station (2nd version, with no light-up mini-fig) Poice Prisoner Convoy (me like the 2 sets of stickers, police/polizei) I tried to get a Cargo Plane but they were sold out. :( I just put in for my 3rd order from Shop@Home for 2006. I will not reveal the contents of that order until I receive it. Thats all for now. July 22, 2006 It is a mere 5 months before my birthday (again).... Since the last time I posted in May, I bought another HP Graveyard Duel set, I also put in my first major order in at Shop@Home and received it: 1 City Airport, 1 Building Bonanza, 1 Street Sweeper, 1 Knight Kingdom Chess set. I put in my 2nd major order, but I will reveal the contents of the order when I pick the order up. Overall, I am now officially at 202,200 pieces, (less piece reduction due to loss, theft, sales, possible accidental disposal in trash), (add piece counts that arent in the official piece count due to unknown amount of pieces) May 16, 2006 Yeah, it has been 2 years since I updated this... sue me. Ive been very busy with work. April, 2005, I got hired on as a mobile patrol supervisor, so my time since then has been quite sporadic. Enough of the non-lego stuff, I hadnt had the chance to buy too much stuff since I started on the mobile side, until this spring. This spring: I got a Viking ship, a Viking boat, 2 city ambulances, 1 city airport fire tender, 2 batman/catwoman sets, a 2nd copy of the Spiderman Doc Oc Hideout, a Harry Potter Cemetary set, and a Harry Potter Seashrine set. June 6, 2004 Too long have I updated, but at least its starting to get better... :) I just got 4 copies of the Maersk Sealand Ship. That put a big dent in both my pocket money and my budget for now. I have some stuff I want to get in the next little while. Though, I have to pay some bills too. :D May 8, 2004 Sigh, its been far too long, and Ive gotten far too much to post. Some highlights include getting 2x of the Spiderman I sets, all of the Discover (Nasa sets), except the mars expedition rover, I got the yellow Land Buster car, a USS Constellation, a Main Street, 3 more Black Falcons Fortress, 1 more Blacksmith Shop (bringing total up to 4), another Freight Rail Runner, a bunch of Paradisa sets (including the Dolphin Island), another copy of the Imperial Trading Post. Not to forget, I have a few of the new Harry Potter sets, and Star Wars Minis II. January 30, 2004 2 Separate Trips to WALMART yielded: 4 Slytherin for $10 a piece CDN, a Shuttle Discovery set ($50 instead of $70), a Dragon Fortress ($70 instead of $100), 2 Emporors Ships, another Red Tub, a Skateboard Streetpark, and a Armored Car. A trip to TARGET on the 31st of December, yielded an ATAT for $75 US off retail, and a Boat set for half price ($20 US). A trip to ToysRUs, yielded another Armored Car and a Train Station.... now up to around 140,000 pieces not including the sets and pieces in my store. December 5, 2003 Last paycheck (which was on the 28th), I bought 3 4107 Creator Tubs at Toys R US, that were 19.99 (CAD) instead of the full price of 29.99 (CAD). November 28, 2003 Its been a fairly busy month Lego-wise, especially at the beginning of November. The first weekend, I went to Syracuse to help out with a train show (Lucny) and stayed at Kevin Salms house. The next weekend (well Friday) I went up to Toronto and participated in the Hobby Show. As far as Lego purchases, I managed to get 1 Knockturn Alley, 1 Quidditch Quality Supplies, 1 Sky Hopper, and 1 4107 Creator Tub. Middle October, I managed to get 1 4400 (Red) Creator Tub. October 14, 2003 I honestly got to update more often. Oh Well, there isnt a lot to post about. I got the LEGO Event Kit from LEGO and am trying to get SCALE to get-together. As far as purchases go, I got 2 Scorpion Palaces and a Ogel Control Center. Also made an order from Shop @ Home to get some 33 degree slopes and a 3D pumpkin kit. August 24, 2003 I guess I have let it slip again. Sorry. I got 3 Privet Drives (1 from Walmart and 2 from Ebay sources). I also got a (Orient Expedition) Baloon set from Walmart. I got a Studios Scary Monster Lab at Winners. Also from Ebay sources, a 6776 Ogel Command Center. I went to Brickfest 2003 (second year in a row). I was put in charge of running the castle room. I didnt bring any MOCs :( to the show, but had a blast anyways. I spent $150 there buying a couple Slytherin sets, a pair of Aragogs, another Hogwarts Express, and a truck-load of Lego Bulk Packs (2x4 Red Roof tiles, 2x2 Red and 2x2 Black Tiles). I guess that is all I can remember. Im sure there is more but who really cares... :) July 10, 2003 Well I guess it has been a while since I updated this. I dont really mean to brag, but it does seem impressive with my set accumulating skills. Maybe not as much as some people I know - Troy Cefaratti (Bricklink sales), or Kevin Salm (his huge collection), but it is quite daunting. I have submitted 1 Lego Shop @ Home since last time. In that order, I bought a Castle Kit (a Black Falcons Fortress, a Blacksmith Shop, and a Guarded Inn), a Blackseas Barracuda, and 5 train cars. FROM E-bay, I got a Lego Express Deluxe, Lego Railway Express, and a 4030 Cargo Ship. From Bricklink (Bartering the Brick), I got 3 Legend Pizza-to-gos, and a Slytherin. All the parts came in for my train Sante Fe sets, except I was a few pieces short on my B-unit. I also bought some sets from Toys R US and Walmart. From Walmart, I bought a Dumbledores office. From Toys R US, I bought 2 designer sets, and a bunch of Star Wars sets (1 each of Jango Fetts Slave 1, Jedi Star fighter, UCS Yoda, Jabbas Palace; 2 each of the Cloud Car, which I put in my Bricklink Shop). Along with the StarWars sets, I got 2 500 piece buckets for free. I guess I should post more often here. :) May 31, 2003 My order for Sante Fe Train sets came in and I had a blast building them. I put in a bunch of orders to Bricklink to finish off (a VERY RARE) SF-styled CLUB CAR I think that it is very neat. I also need to build a B-Unit. Then I will have a very nice 10 car Sante Fe train set for my train collection. May 15, 2003 I put in an order for Sante Fe Train Sets (kit plus 2 cars, motor, light kit). I won an auction for another Hogwarts Castle and just recently a Knights Challenge set. I received the order for the Shell sets and the Breezeway Cafe. I now have 8 breezeway cafes!!! May 4, 2003 I got a Creator (Strata Tub), the HP Escape from Privet Drive, as well as my Bricklink order to Bartering the Brick. In that order, I got some Adventure sets (the Himalayan Sets and the Elephant Caravan) and some HP sets (Quidditch Practice, 2 Slytherin, and a Duelling Club). I put in a Shop @ Home order for the 2 shell sets I am missing along with 6 Breezeway Cafe sets. I plan to put in a few more orders to Shop @ Home in the next while. Oh and today I won the auction for a Hogwarts Castle for just above $40, which is half what the retail price is. March 26, 2003 I got the Xtreme Tower as well as a 4534 LEGO Express and a HP Chamber of Secrets, which I got for under $30 US. That was a rockin deal considering that Walmart has it for $99 CDN. I won an auction for an HP Escape from Privet Drive. I finally found a job so hopefully, that Ill be able to buy all the HP Chamber of Secret Sets I want and all the early 2003 Adventure sets. February 24th, 2003 I havent gotten my pics from Train4 developed yet :( But I did get a couple of small Pirate Sets (Canon Cove and Bounty Boat). I also got a Hogwarts Castle (finally). It was absolutely gorgeous, and have permanently decided to buy another copy sometime later this year. I won the bid for an Xtreme Tower (which came to $25 US). It should be arriving this week. February 4th, 2003 1st, Train4 was an ultimate blast (as usual) and quite intimidating (for me as a builder). Next what I got or didnt get. What I DID NOT get (because I have yet to put in an order) is the Shop@Home order. (see belows entry to see what I plan on buying). Now for what I got recently that I havent mentioned yet. I got the Hogwarts Express (from Walmart on sale), 4990 Rock Raiders HQ, 6383 Public Works Center, and the 4561 Railway Express all from E-bay. The 4561 was still sealed and almost caught me breath-less in its pristine condition. I wasnt going to open it up, but I broke down and opened it. Ill have to buy another later this year. January 5, 2003 Well its a new year, and Im getting the finishing touches on my contribution to Train4 (in Toronto, later this month). As far as sets go, I have purchased 3 studio sets: Green Goblin, Mummys Tomb, and Werewolfs Ambush. I plan on purchasing soon HP Hogwarts Express and another Shop@Home order with a couple more Breezeway Cafes and Pizza-to-Gos along with a couple Shell Sets and a Spiderman Kit. December 23, 2002 I didnt get any LEGO for my birthday or Christmas... :( However, I did receive 2 more bricklink orders for items, so now I only have a few sets left to sell. That is good, I guess. I got another 1000-piece Creator tub, another green baseplate, and another copy of Womens Team as I needed a hairpiece from the set. I am sure that I will buy a couple more sets either just before the new year or just after. I am trying to put a LUGNET page that summarizes my MOCs into one section. It might take a couple more weeks. I also typed my next chapter in my novel, but havent posted it yet. December 15, 2002 I dont know why Im not waiting until Friday to post this, because thats when Im most likely going to buy a couple more sets for my collection. Anyways, since I last updated this, I bought 2 green baseplates, a Western Sheriffs Lock-Up, and 2 additional HP Storyteller sets (1 each of Gryffindor and Hogwarts Classroom, giving me 6 each of these). I also managed to find that in the US, they are selling the new 2003 sets so I got a Jungle River set that is part of Legos new Orient Expedition, which is the next installment in the Adventures Theme. Received the 2 BrickLink orders, and managed to just about finish Archangel Inn. One more order should do it!!! Speaking of BrickLink, I received 3 orders from my shop just about all at once. Both StarWars Slave Is are gone, as well as all 3 DragonFlys. I could have also sold my soccer set, but the interested buyer found one (elsewhere), and decide to recind the sale. Oh Well!!! November 21, 2002 I got another 6571 (which brings me to 5 6571 Flamefighter sets). I got a chance to go to RTL 12: Blockstacking Reloaded. It was cool to see some robots run. Archangel Inn is going fine, but still waiting for 2 BrickLink orders in order to proceed. November 9, 2002 I received an ultra rare 1100 (Euro Airline Promo) set. It is called, Air Pirates. Also in the mail, 4554 Metro Station. The train station that is supposed to go with the 4558 Metroliner. It rocks, especially with the simple decoration. On the retail front, I bought a 500 piece bucket from Walmart (full retail, damn!!) and 2 1000 piece buckets from Toys R US ($10 off each of them). October 3, 2002 I bought 4 Harry Potter Playsets (2x each of Gryphindor, and Hogwarts Classroom, and I finally received the 6390 Main Street. August 31, 2002 I received in the mail 3 castle sets, a lego (tug) boot 4005, and a MISB Colorline truck. I am still waiting on the Main Street set. I think its time to begin to build Archangel Inn. August 11, 2002 I recently got another 725, a 6380, a DACTA Hospital set that I really wanted. I also won a couple auctions this past week that I am quite happy with. I will have to keep this updated at least on a by-monthly basis. I started writing the Benny Brave Saga, and have POSTED 9 chapters (the entire first part). I have also re-vamped my Lugnet LEGO page. I went to Brickfest this year!!! It ROCKED!! I have also completed 3 projects this Spring-Summer, Lions Den, Swiss Dairy & Factory, and Benny Braves House. click here to see older entries |
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