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 Ross Crawford / links

Rosco’s LugNet Page

These pages are no longer updated. You can view my LEGO related pages here.

All images hosted by Brickshelf L.L.C. but who knows how long that will last.


Lego MOCs

Jennifer Clark’s Lego creations
Dennis Bosman’s creations
Anders Gaasedal Mobile Cranes
Leo’s Lego Designs
Thomas Avery’s Lego creations
Longest Lego bridge
Ben’s bridges
Mega-Bridge by Craig Lampe
Recipes by Paul and Heath
My Brickshelf gallery
Destruction Videos

Lego Technic

The Lego Company
Jim Hughes Technica
Kekoa Proudfoot’s RCX internals
Robert Munafo’s gear trains

Lego CAD

  Radiosity example (F1 Ferrari) once again
Hi! After playing with POV-Ray, radiosity, reflection and focal blur for some time, I came to results that are quite close to what I want. (URL) uses LGEO parts, LUGNET colors, custom reflection settings, custom rubber texture (for the tyres). Ah (...) (21 years ago, 26-Aug-04, to lugnet.cad.ray)
  Re: How do you change the floor and sky in POV for grass and clouds?
(...) OK here it goes: (...) Note the number '4' in the above line? Remember it. (...) At this line, replace 'floor_height' with the number noted above. (...) Now delete the original 'floor' section of the code. As far clouds are concerned, you'll (...) (20 years ago, 8-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad)

Lego History

Brief History of LEGO
Pause Magazine LEGO History
LEGO History by Mary Bellis
LEGO History by Sheryl Nantus

Other Building Blocks

Plastic building toys
Architectural Systems
Hillary Page


Hydro Crane Club (Scanned brochures)
Crane Pics on DHS diecast
Conrad GmbH scale models


Autralian rail enthusiast page
Steam Locomotives (mostly murkan)

How Stuff Works

How Stuff
Wind Generators
Towhaul trucks
Kroll K-10000
EMAS multi-axle steering
DJH engineering multi-axle steering


IrfanView Image Viewer
Ldraw Lego CAD


Dave Matson’s Young Earth page
Doug Long - Hiroshima: Was it necessary?
Sam Walton / Wal-Mart essay
De-CSS history
Iraq’s Unruly Century
George W Bush’s “achievements”

Terrorism related

al-Qa’ida (The Base) / World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders / Usama bin Laden
The socialogy and psychology of terrorism: Who becomes a terrorist and why?
Patterns of Global Terrorism 2001
Report on Sep 11
The Peacemakers Speak
Al Manar TV
Al Manar in Aus
This war on terrorism is bogus


Slashdot - News for Nerds, Stuff that matters
Bad Astronomy
Heavens Above!
Maths Explorer
Eric Weisstein’s World of Mathematics
The Quine Page by Gary Thompson (Self-reproducing code)
Web construction page
NASA Cool robot of the week
X-Mite comparison

Site last modified November 4, 2004 Home

Primary content in this document is © Ross Crawford. All other text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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