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Ari Holopainen / truck3 |
G. 11-speed Transmissions (4x2+3), 3 reverse gears: 3-speed aux + main gearbox Inspirer: Eaton Fuller 9ALL These gearboxes have 8 road speeds and 3 deep reduction gears for extra low speed driving. They are based on the 9-speed transmission which has 8 speeds plus a crawler gear. Now auxiliary gearbox is not a 2-speed range-change unit but a 3-speed construction: high range, low range and deep reduction range. When you choose 1st gear or crawler gear with deep reduction range youve got two extra crawler gears. Altogether these severe duty gearboxes have very large overall gear ratio. Forward gears are: LL1-Lo-LL2-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. Best lego design to build so far is version III. For another severe duty transmission with extra slow gears I recommend to check A.4. 14-speed transmission version IV inspired by Volvo I-Shift with crawler gears. G.1. Version I, overall gear ratio 36,00:
Here is version I of 11-speed transmissions. Its underdrive design for high speed lego motor.
When comparing to real Eaton Fuller 9ALL this lego version has too slow reverse gears and top gear step 7-8 is too large 1,43, largest gear step between two top gears in Fuller transmissions is 1,37. G.2. Version II, overall gear ratio 37,50:
This version II has 3 modifications compared to version I: range-change unit is now sliding axle solution with slightly slower deep reduction range, main gearbox is changed from underdrive to direct drive and reverse gears are a little bit faster. So, reverse gears have now more realistic ratios but top gear step 7-8 is still too large 1,43.
Here is shown only alternative setup. Its auxiliary is more compact than in original version and double bevel type gear wheel in all sliding axle gear pairs gives easier auxiliary shifting. Original auxiliary has problematic XS(8)-S(16) spur gears so its not easy to shift. So original design is moved to page Junkyard if you want to check it. G.3. Version III, overall gear ratio 37,50:
Auxiliary in this modernized version III combines synchro shifts from version I and ratios from version II. In main gearbox thin 14 teeth bevel gears are replaced with new 28 teeth gear (ML, medium large in my notations). This replacement gives lego version more realistic ratio set although top gear step 7-8 is still too large 1,40, it shouldnt be over 1,37.
One notable thing is that lego version is direct drive but Fuller 9ALL is overdrive. But if you change output from middle lower axle to right lower axle you get overdrive lego design. But then I recommend to test efficiency of reverse gears while their gear wheels will have significant overdrive situation after synchro parts. If you need severe duty transmission with extra slow gears for your lego American truck I recommend to build this 11-speed version III. H. 10-speed Transmissions (4x2+2), 3 reverse gears: Inspirer: Eaton Fuller 8LL These are not the ordinary 10-speed transmissions with 5-speed main gearbox and range-change unit, those are introduced in next section I. 10-speed Transmissions (5x2). So these gearboxes contain 8 road speeds and 2 deep reduction gears for low speed driving (4x2+2-structure). They are based on the 9-speed transmission which has 8 speeds plus a crawler gear. Like in 11-speed transmission auxiliary gearbox is 3-speed construction: high range, low range and deep reduction range. When you choose crawler gear with deep reduction range youve got one extra crawler gear. It gives you also the 3rd reverse gear. Forward gears are: LL-Lo-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8. H.1. Version I, overall gear ratio 24,00: 3-speed aux + main gearbox
Here is version I of this type of transmission (version II of all 10-speeders). This version has same auxiliary as 11-speed version I and also gear steps of main gearbox are same except crawler gear. So compared to Eatons transmission this lego version has larger overall gear ratio due to larger steps in main gears. While auxiliary is same as in 11-speed version I you can also copy auxiliary of 11-speed version II alternative setup to be used with this main gearbox and get another 10-speed transmission with 2 crawler gears. This modification changes ratio of gear LL to 25,00 and gear step LL-Lo to 1,56. H.2. Version II, overall gear ratio 19,44: Main gearbox + 3-speed aux
In this version II (version VI of all 10-speeders) ratios, gear steps and overall gear ratio are closer to Eatons transmission than in my version I. So now 8 road gears have smaller gear steps but crawler gears have larger steps. Check picture Ratio comparison. Other change between these lego versions is that auxiliary gears are now together in one shift pattern but dont think this as a twin stick transmission.
While in lego version input axle is supported by two technic brick 1x2 with 2 holes you may have difficulties to attach studded lego motor to the input axle. If you need hints to solve this problem check 4-speed version II in personal car transmissions. You may first think about this kind of 10-speed transmission that 3rd range giving only 2 gears is just wasting gears. But in closer look this 4x2+2-structure is not so bad at all. While there are 2 independent crawler gears in this transmission gear steps LL-Lo and Lo-1 can be chosen larger than other steps. So compared to basic 10-speed transmission (5x2-structure) this version can have larger overall gear ratio together with smaller gear steps in road gears which makes this transmission more usable. Also 3 reverse gears is a benefit especially when there is smaller gear step between low and high range reverse gears than in 5x2-structure. But price is that 4x2+2-stucture is more complex, longer and heavier than 5x2-structure. I. 10-speed Transmissions (5x2), 2 reverse gears: These 10-speed transmissions are a quite simple constructions containing only 5-speed main gearbox with reverse gear plus 2-speed range-change unit. Forward gears are simply: 1-2-3-4-5-range_change-6-7-8-9-10. So this design is the simplest and most logical truck transmission to operate. But it wasnt easy to get lego versions with realistic ratios while I first knew only B and C ratio sets of todays manual Eaton Fuller. So every time you matched lego main gearbox and range-change unit overall gear ratio was too small or too high. It took some time before I got ready realistic lego version of B ratio set, its version III. Then I found older Scanias 10-speed design with smaller overall gear ratio than modern Fullers. It was easier to get with legos, check version IV. Later I found S ratio set of automated 10-speed Eaton Fuller in which top gear step 9-10 (and step 4-5 due to range-change unit) is significantly smaller than other steps. Its easier to design with legos so there are remade version I & version II. Version V is inspired by B ratio set of Fuller Advantage Series manual transmission and its automated sister and version VI is inspired C ratio set of same Fuller transmission. The best lego design so far is version V alternative setup but after two remakes all these six lego versions are realistic designs to build. And if overall gear ratio under 10,00 is enough as an extra you can check simple and compact 10-speed conversions of F.3. 15-speed version III & F.4. 15-speed version IV. They are inspired by older 10-speed Fullers that had smaller gear steps and overall gear ratio than modern versions. That older Fuller had more versatile 15-speed big brother in which auxiliary was 3-speed design with additional deep reduction range. You may also think that 10-speed transmission with range-change unit would be mother of all truck transmissions but they are not very common, I have found only Eatons and Scanias versions. More common is 9-speed transmission that has 8 road speeds plus crawler gear. I.1. Version I, overall gear ratio 17,86: Main gearbox + range Inspirer: Eaton Fuller Smart Advantage S ratio (like FAO-16810S-EP3 in Eaton Transmission Specifications Catalog)
First solution for gearbox matching was that gear steps were mainly 1,39-1,43 but gear steps 3-4 and 8-9 were only 1,26. In reality smallest step should be 4-5 and 9-10 and I thought gear steps shouldnt vary so much. But I found later Eaton Fuller Smart Advantage which is automated 10-speed transmission together with Cummins engine. In its S ratio set gear step 9-10 (and 4-5 due to range-change unit) significantly smaller than other steps to give better performance in high speeds.
So I decided to replace old version I with new design that follows that Fuller Smart Advantage design. In new lego design gear steps are mainly 1,40-1,43 but steps 4-5 and 9-10 are only 1,25. So gear steps are now much more realistic than in old design. If you want to check old version I its moved to page Junkyard. For alternative range shift lever locking with rubber belt check YouTube video Building example. One notable thing in this new lego design is large amount of 14 teeth bevel gears. If it becomes a problem I recommend to check next version II remake, which is modernized version of this remake design. I.2. Version II, overall gear ratio 18,00: Main gearbox + range Inspirer: Eaton Fuller Smart Advantage S ratio (like FAO-16810S-EP3 in Eaton Transmission Specifications Catalog)
This version II (version IV of my all 10-speeders) is another remake that is inspired by Eaton Fuller Smart Advantage, automated 10-speed transmission together with Cummins engine. New lego design follows Eatons S ratio set where gear step 9-10 (and 4-5 due to range-change unit) is significantly smaller than other steps to give better performance in high speeds. Original version II had some ratio reality problems and not very optimized range-change unit so its now located to page Junkyard if you want to check it.
For alternative range shift lever locking with rubber belt check YouTube video Building example. This version II remake is a modernized version of previous version I remake: It doesnt use any of 14 teeth thin bevel gears and contains one new 28 teeth gear wheel (in my notations ML, medium large). Design has brick frame but it can be built directly with studless frame. I.3. Version III, overall gear ratio 15,00: Main gearbox + range Inspirer: Eaton Fuller FR-10B
Finally I found how to build 10-speed transmission with range-change unit that has good gear steps combined to good overall gear ratio, so here is version III (version V of all 10-speeders). Gear steps vary between 1,33, 1,35 and 1,39 but that is acceptable while largest gear step is between main gearboxs 2 slowest gears. Ratios of reverse gears are a little bit slower than ratios of 1st and 6th forward gears, another feature taken from inspirer. This version III is overdrive gearbox and overall gear ratio is close to ratio series B in 10-speed Eaton Fuller. Available is also alternative setup in which gearboxes are located parallel to get shorter transmission. Its interesting design while in high range gears 7 and 9 power flow has shortcut from main gearboxs clutch gear to auxiliarys clutch gear and output axle. So these gears have good efficiency. For main shift lever use 2 longitudinal bricks and 8 stud axle and put bush on the right side of left brick. For range shift lever use axle pin and 3rd brick on the right side of it. With this combination both shift levers are well supported. All in all this alternative setup is quite compact design if width doesnt become a problem. I.4. Version IV, overall gear ratio 13,71: Range + main gearbox Inspirer: Scania GR871
This version IV (version VII of my all 10-speed transmissions) is inspired by Scania GR871. Major difference to Eatons modern transmissions is that Scanias transmission has smaller overall gear ratio. This helped lego designing a lot so this lego version has very good geometrical gear steps, just like Scanias transmission. Gear steps and overall gear ratio between lego version and Scanias transmission are also close to each other but ratios are all different while lego version is overdrive and Scanias transmission direct drive. Check picture Ratio comparison.
This lego version has several independent axles located coaxial so check structure carefully that you dont replace two coaxial axles with single one. Every axle is supported by two bricks so if you see four bricks on one axle line there are two separate axles in structure. If you are looking for 10-speed lego transmission that suits to low speed motor and linehaul truck plus has quite compact design and good geometrical gear steps here is your choice. If you dont have old 14 teeth thin bevel gears there is a simple conversion using new 28 teeth gear (medium large ML in my notations). Move both range-change units lower axles half studs away from each other and replace front Th(14)-Mu(20) gear pair with Mu(20)-ML(28) gear pair. This leads to minor ratio changes in lower range but still keeps design very realistic. I.5. Version V, overall gear ratio 15,56: Original setup: main gearbox + range Alternative setup: range + main gearbox Inspirer: Eaton Fuller Advantage Series B ratio
This version V (version VIII of my all 10-speed transmissions) is inspired by 10-speed B ratio Eaton Fuller Advantage Series manual transmission and its automated sister Eaton Fuller UltraShift PLUS LAS 10B. Reason for these inspirers is that range step is larger and reverse gear slower than in manual FR Series. In lego transmission these ratio changes allowed shorter range-change unit and simpler reverse gear design when main gearboxs output axle is directly under synchro axle. All in all lego ratio set is quite close to inspirers except that lego version is overdrive and Fullers 10-speed B ratio set direct drive, check picture Ratio comparison. Now available is two setups: original setup is quite basic lego design without special optimization but alternative setup is squeezed three studs shorter by swapping main gearbox and range-change unit. So, motor included alternative setup is only 20 studs long and eight studs wide. This lego 10-speed version V is sister design of earlier version III. Main gearboxes have different designs but ratios are identical except reverse gear. Version III is old school design with 14 teeth thin bevel gears but without new 20 teeth clutch gear or new 28 teeth double bevel gear. This version V is modernized design using those new gear wheels but without 14 teeth gears. Main gearboxes and range-change units are fully exchangeable between these lego versions. If you prefer simple truck transmission to operate 10-speed with range-change unit is your choice and this lego version V alternative setup is so far the best I can offer. I.6. Version VI, overall gear ratio 17,99 NEW: Main gearbox + range Inspirer: Eaton Fuller Advantage Series C ratio
This version VI (version XI of my all 10-speed transmissions) is inspired by 10-speed C ratio Eaton Fuller Advantage Series manual transmission and its automated sister Eaton Fuller UltraShift PLUS LAS 10C. Its wide ratio version for linehaul semitrailer trucks. Larger overall gear ratio gives better move off and climbing capability but larger gear steps dont suit to heavy duty trucks with larger truck engines.
But this lego design was almost an eternity on my drawing board while this ratio set is very difficult to build with lego. Ratio set is very close to Fullers one, main difference is that lego range step is 5,00 and Fullers 4,90. This leads to lego versions slightly higher ratios in low range and larger overall gear ratio. You can check differences from picture Ratio comparison. Copying Fullers ratio set also leads to very good geometrical gear steps while steps only vary between 1,37-1,39. So, if you fancy to be American linehaul trucker, want accurate but complex and rare lego ratio set and prefer simple operating of 10-speed transmission here is design for you. :-) J. Transmissions With 3- & 4-speed Splitter: Waits update... This section contains truck transmissions that have 3- or 4-speed splitter. Common feature in lego designs is rotary shift splitter, done by lego part technic changeover rotary catch. 12-speed twin splitter is inspired by Eatons transmission and contains 4-speed main gearbox with reverse gear plus 3-speed splitter. 20-, 14-, 16- & 18-speed are all inspired by Spicer Airshift transmissions which are all based on 5-speed main gearbox with reverse gear plus 4-speed splitter. Designs alternate so that some main gears have only two splitter positions available. This means that upshifting procedure and ratio set vary quite a lot between these transmissions. So check first current transmissions shift pattern in picture Ratios before using. (Not updated yet...) J.1. 12-speed Twin Splitter, 3 reverse gears, overall gear ratio 12,50: Main gearbox + splitter Inspirer: Eaton Twin Splitter
This transmission has 4-speed main gearbox with reverse gear plus 3-speed splitter unit. Notation goes so that main gears are 1-4 and splitter gears I-III. Lego design is modernized remake with improved splitter: Its ratios are now under/direct/over so ratio set is more realistic (no more underdrive design). And sliding axle design is replaced with synchro version that has sequential rotary shifting. As an upgrade its possible to add motor operated remote control for splitter especially if you know how to build 90 degree stepper.
Modernization means that you will need technic changeover rotary catch, new 20 teeth double bevel clutch gear, axle joiner 3L and transmission driving ring 3L. These give lego transmission more realistic ratio set and better usability while you get rid of spur gear sliding axle shifting. If you dont have these new lego parts older original and alternative setups are still available on page Junkyard. There is also a sequential sister transmission, for more info you can check R.14. 12-speed Twin Splitter truck. The idea in real twin splitter transmission is that you dont have to shift main gearbox often, most of the shifts are easy splitter shifts. Top three gears cover quite large speed area, so you need only splitter shifts from higher city speed limits to highway speeds. On the other hand, skipping gears is more difficult than in transmission with 2-speed splitter. If you shift only with main gearbox there is a huge gear step, which is usable only in low gears with unloaded truck or in downshifting. In other situations you have to shift with splitter even if you skip gears. Im not sure why its called twin splitter, but here is two guesses. 1) You have two splitter units, the first one is underdrive/direct drive and the second one direct drive/overdrive. When you put these two together, you dont need two direct gears. So, altogether youve got two splitters and three speeds => twin splitter. 2) Name can also come from transmissions design because its 12-speed twin countershaft splitter transmission. J.2. 20- & 14-speed Spicer, 4 reverse gears, overall gear ratios 19,59 & 15,43: Inspirers: Spicer HD 20-speed 1420 & Spicer HD 14-speed 1214 (Service Manual)
These lego transmissions are inspired by 20- and 14-speed Spicer transmissions which are based on 5-speed main gearbox with reverse gear plus 4-speed splitter. But their using and ratio sets are completely different.
20-speed is actually more like two 10-speed splitter transmissions for heavy duty truck: splitters positions 1 & 2 are low and high split for off highway driving and positions 3 & 4 are low and high split for on highway driving. So you have 10 off highway gears, 10 on highway gears and 4 reverse gears. If you start with 1st off highway gear, go through splitters all 4 positions when main gearbox stays in 1st gear and then continue on highway upshifting procedure you get altogether 12 progressive gears. This procedure is for on highway driving with heavy loads. 14-speed has same kind of 5-speed main gearbox and 4-speed splitter but in main gears 1-3 only splitter positions 1-2 are used. In reverse and high speed main gears 4-5 all splitter positions 1-4 are available. When used as described there is some progression in compound shifts to enlarge overall gear ratio. This 14-speed gives easy splitter shifts in high speeds while eight top gears need only one main gearbox shift. Both splitters have sequential rotary shifting with help of lego part technic changeover rotary catch. Splitters shifter tries to imitate real Spicers airshift switch mounted to main shift lever. But lego splitter can be also equipped with motor operated remote shifting instead, especially if you know how to build small 90 degree stepper. Using these transmissions is a little bit complicated so I recommend to check ratios and shift pattern carefully before use. J.3. (reserved for 16- & 18-speed Spicer) reserved for two Spicer transmissions, 5-speed main gearbox & 4-speed splitter, some main gears have two splitter positions only...
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