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 Cary Clark / FAQ / Trains / scale

What scale are LEGO trains?

From Irving De la Cruz: !

O-scale prints match the LEGO train scale although they might be a bit too big depending on your preference.

From Tom McDonald: !

LEGO trains don’t match an established model railroad scale. The scale I would most like to operate in would be to have the trains accomodate the minifigs as much as like a real train as possible.

LEGO track is six studs from rail to rail; US Standard gauge track is 4’8”. Given these and if you assume that six studs represents a scale of 4’8”, then it stands to reason that since most cars are in the 8’ wide range that six studs for car width is not enough: ten studs is a more accurate representation. I like the six stud wide trains and make them anyway.

From John Neal: !

LEGO track gauge is somewhere short of G scale but bigger than S. I have experimented with making 1 foot equal 1 stud. This scale isn’t too bad- the track is a little too wide (6 studs vs 4.66 studs-4’8”), the wheels are a little too short (3 studs -36” vs typical 40-44” wheels on a modern diesel), but the minifigs are 5 studs tall (5 ft) which is okay.
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