What sets contained brightly colored gears with wide spaced teeth?
From Mark Koesel: !
These gears were part of the original Technical Building Sets line that was never made available here in the US. All the gears have teeth counts which are multiples of 3. The red gears have 9 (3 x 3), the blue have 15 (3 x 5) and the yellow 21 (3 x 7). The sets contained translucent-ish white technic axles, and grey 2x4 blocks with holes throughout. Red bushings (similar to todays grey technic bushings) were also included. Some sets also had special cast-metal cross axle parts which were used to mount these gears to the 4.5v motors available at that time. The first line of these sets was released in 1970. The sets were 800, 801 and 802.
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| | In 1972, set 803 was added. This set included a new rubber tire that fit the red gear, and also a new universal joint.
| These sets were discontinued at the end of 1973. In 1974, a new batch of sets (810, 811, 812, 813) were introduced. New links were added which could be used for either chains or bulldozer treads. I value these parts quite highly today.
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| | Later, in 1975, set 814 was added.
| The gears (specifically, the smaller red ones) showed up in other themes of the era, including the universal set 404 and road construction set 780 mentioned in this thread by Tim Rueger. In addition, they were used in the pre-model team Model sets, with the tires, as wheels for the Formula 1 car and the motorcycles.
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In 1976, these sets were discontinued, to make way for the new Technical
Sets which later picked up the name Technic and, for a time, used the name
Expert Builder in the US.

| | Note that, in the US (and Canada), Samsonite had its own line of gears.
These gears have teeth counts which are multiples of 7. I dont have any of these type. The samsonite gears sets did not include or work with any of the Technic-like parts that came with the 8xx gear sets. Instead, they mount to the old metal-pinned wheels of the 70s. For this reason, their use is somewhat limited in todays Technic creations. The 8xx gears, however, work great with modern day Technic, especially if you need some heavy duty tank treads.
Also note that the large gears sold through Dacta today are quite different
from any of the ones mentioned above. These Dacta gears would be most
compatible with the Duplo line, and in particular Duplo Toolo. These gears
mount to special larger Duplo-size Cross axles and components.