| | After countless hours of condensing notes for my next actuarial exam, I decided to make my keyboard happy. A 1x1x1 cylinder fits perfectly over the mouse knob, and the eraser-head works well as a turban.
  My version and the inspiration
| | I modeled the Cup of Dreams after FIFAs World Cup Trophy. Although it was built for the 2000 MLS LEGO® Soccer Contest, somehow I just missed qualifying for the 5-12 Age bracket.
Two opposing players elevate their global ball in perfect balance and harmony. A motorized platform slowly rotates the sculpture, signifying that the world of soccer revolves within the realm of the viewer.
See more pictures at my Brickshelf gallery.

| | Feel the PoWeR! I built the letters first and then had to take them apart to insert the white pieces. The model was made out of 2xn bricks with some doubled-up 1xn bricks and was surprisingly sturdy. The only part that kept falling apart was the red base.

| | Feel His Power! As a fundraiser for our youth group, we designed T-shirts with this modified design. Can you guess the number of bricks? (Answer at bottom of page)

| | Guess which Kansas City TV station visited to do a LEGO® news story? Version 2 (not pictured) removed the top and bottom rows of the X and shortened the F. The center of the O is attached with a technic half-peg. The red upside-down-triangle of the X is inverted and attached via 2 pairs of 1x1 bricks with side studs.

| | This blue elephant was my first attempt at three dimensional modeling. The design is rather crude, but I was pleased with the outcome without using any plates or specialty pieces. I took it to Walmart for a bring-your-model-get-a-free-T-shirt promotion. Anything for free LEGO® merchandise.

| | After seeing a picture of this Christmas village in a shopping catalog, I loosely modeled it for our Christmas display. The 7750 Steam Engine barely snakes by the presents under our tree.

| | The townspeople eagerly await their gift train. Looks like acrobatic Bill locked his keys in the house again.

| | My father has the entire situation under control and gives a box-by-box description of the soccer stadiums elements. Yours truly is a very happy camper, and my better half is ... ever so slightly amused. Thanks for your effort in getting the sets, Rudy!

| | The annual Kansas City Great Create always attracts many aspiring architects and engineers. It seems as if Kid 1 had some help from Mom or Dad.

| | No stopping this train

| | First place finishers in each age division of the construction contest at the Great Create received this beautiful trophy. Im thinking of lobbying for an adult age bracket.