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 Chris Tracey / media / radio


   Noticed by
Weekend All Things Considered Sunday, April 19,1998
   Interview with Beachcombers’ and Oceanographers’ International Association regarding the infamous several million LEGO pieces that were washed overboard a ship off the coast of England.
   Christopher Tracey
All Things Considered Tuesday, December 12,2000
   Hot Toys this Holiday Season
   3409 Championship Challenge
   Christopher Tracey
Weekend Edition Sunday, February 18,2001
   Legos With Guns NPR’s Margot Adler reports from the International Toy Fair in New York on a new direction for Lego:
   Mindstorms, Bionicles, Star Wars, Adventurers
   Christopher Tracey
Primary content in this document is © Chris Tracey. All other text, images, or trademarks in this document are the intellectual property of their respective owners.

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