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Rich Moberg

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Space and Castle. Live the fantasy...

My fascination with LEGO began... When I realized that I could create anything I wanted, then throw the bits at my little brother.

I once built... A series of small spaceships the night before a presentation on the future in grade 4. Don't recall getting a good grade...

Someday I will build... My own Lego System.

LEGO is great because... of it's strange addictive qualities. People who laugh come over to my place. Then I can't get them to leave...

LEGO fans are great because... they are on speaking terms with their inner children.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Computers (depends how you use 'em)

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: 1) Lego 2) Computers 3) Ummm....

My favorite Foods: Beef in Black Bean Sauce, Sesame Chicken, Wine Gums

My favorite Movies & TV: Titus, Family Guy, Reboot, MST3K

My favorite Artists: Draper, DeJesus and Mercer Mayer

My favorite Music: Whatcha got (no country pls)?

My favorite Pets & Animals: Two cats.

Words which best describe me: Tall. Slightly Disconcerting. Over-educated.

I love it when... a plan comes together; I find a five year old set shoved to the back of a shelf in Walmart; I can sleep in.

I hate it when... My boss causes a plan to fall apart; I can't find the one piece that would be perfect; my boss calls me at 4:23 am because of number 1.

I can't seem to get enough... space to store all this stuff... Minifigs. Wine Gums.

I always seem to have enough... stuff to do.

I hope I always... smile at the sound of two bricks clicking.

I wish I could... buy pieces in bulk. Retire.

I could never... get enough Terry Pratchett. toss out a piece (i still have Timmy!)

I hope I never... forget how to have fun.

I wish I hadn't... started filling out this form at 1:30am....

In my craziest moments... I will do the exact opposite of what people expect me to do.

Believe it or not... I really can't think of anything that's unbelievable.

If I were super-human... I wouldn't wear those silly tights...

More & Less:
  • more Honesty, less Delusions
  • more Time, less Goals
  • more Smiles, less Teeth

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Life is as simple as you make it and as complex as you let it become.
  2. Only a few things really matter. You have to choose or someone will do it for you.
  3. Have Fun is a philosophy.

Additional comments:

I gotta admit that for a while I considered my self a lone fanatic in the Lego Universe. I'm not alone, and now I'm not even close to be a fanatic. Now I'm stuck somewhere between awe and fear....

Formal name:
Richard Moberg
Member Since: 23-Oct-2000


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Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Rich Moberg and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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