David Peña
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Classic Space, Pirate, Train & Town(Construction)
My fascination with LEGO began... At the age of 6 yrs. when I received my very first Lego set #452 Mobile Tracking Station.
Someday I will build... A very large and detailed train layout.
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Lego is really the only "toy" I enjoy right now.
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Outdoor/nature photography, hiking, cycling, physics & engineering
My favorite Foods: Italian, Mexican & Chinese cuisine
My favorite Movies & TV: Nova (PBS), Scientific American Frontiers, the Simpsons & Futurama
My favorite Artists: Renior, John Singer Sargent, Antonio Vivaldi, Art Wolfe
My favorite Music: Mariachi (Trad. Mexican), Classical, Jazz & Blues
My favorite Pets & Animals: Dogs in general, German Shepards specifically.
Words which best describe me: Analytical, Friendly & Down to earth
I can't seem to get enough... Sleep (that was an easy one!)
I wish I could... Live in the American southwest and make a living as a nature photographer.
More & Less: - more Open mindedness, less Bigotry
- more Nature Preserves, less Rampant destruction of our natural resources
Formal name: David A. Peña Member Since: 24-Aug-2000 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  Illinois
Personal site: Tierra Del Lego My Collection: Set Lists