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Moish Brenman

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: space, knights, ninjas, technic, model team, expert builder

My fascination with LEGO began... before i can remember

I once built... a rolling city-car trying to use every brick in my collection

Someday I will build... a life-size space marine style machine gun

LEGO is great because... infinite

LEGO fans are great because... just because

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: action figures, the usual

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: skateboarding, motorcycles, art

My favorite Foods: chinese, thai

My favorite Movies & TV: blade runner and the simpsons

My favorite Artists: dali, bosch

My favorite Music: punk, oi, old ska, classical

My favorite Pets & Animals: mitsu r.i.p.

Words which best describe me: fat bald chink jew

I love it when... you do that!

I hate it when... you don't

I can't seem to get enough... rum raisin ice cream

I always seem to have enough... 2x4 plates

I hope I always... have hi-c ecto cooler in the fridge

I wish I could... put a cadillac in my nose

I could never... kill a turtle

I hope I never... see jenny may ever again

I wish I hadn't... been born this way

In my craziest moments... i'm perfectly normal

Believe it or not... the keebler elves are REAL!

If I were super-human... i wouldn't be here

More & Less:
  • more real building, less pov and ldraw
  • more choppers, less cell phones
  • more or less, less is more

Rules I try to live by:
  1. proportion
  2. perspective
  3. priority

Additional comments:

lego numquam dormit

Formal name:
Moish Brenman
Age: 54
Gender: M
Member Since: 3-Aug-2000

United States of America (U.S.A.)




My Collection:
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Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Moish Brenman and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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