Theresa Dickison ("TerDickison")
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: I'm a big urban architecture buff so my favorite
theme as far as Lego sets go is the City. However,
I love any build that showcases structure and
urban planning.
My fascination with LEGO began... when I introduced it to my nephews this year
(they're finally old enough). I'm the pretty
prototypical AFOL, I think, in that I played with
bricks as a kid, went into "stasis" and then woke
up again as a grown-up (mostly).
I once built... a Cars themed garage and town with my nephew who
is into all things Lightning McQueen. This was
before all of the latest Cars sets just came out.
The highlight of my year was when he said,
"they're just not as cool as ours, you know?"
Someday I will build... a replica of a Frank Lloyd Wright house. I want to
do one of the lesser known ones (not Fallingwater
or something similar) because I think Wright's
houses are practically begging to be built in
bricks. Note to self: start stocking up on tan
bricks NOW.
LEGO is great because... there's really no limit to it. If I feel like
building a train station, I do. If I feel like
building a race car, I can. It's my ultimate go-to
de-stressing activity.
LEGO fans are great because... I don't have to hide my Lego purchases from anyone!
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Thomas the Train
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Architecture, Ren Faires, Gardening, Web Design
My favorite Foods: Thai food, southern comfort food
My favorite Movies & TV: Doctor Who/Torchwood and anything Sci-Fi or action oriented
My favorite Artists: All of the Impressionists but mostly Monet
My favorite Music: 70's Rock and Classical (especially violin)
My favorite Pets & Animals: Princess the Cat (who thankfully sniffs her noise at my bricks and doesn't bother with them)
Words which best describe me: Head geek of the house and proud of it
I love it when... people make fun of me for being a techno-geek and
then have to turn around and ask me to fix something
computer-related for them!
I hate it when... it rains for a week and the grass is so long that
my push mower keeps quitting when I try to mow it
(not earth-shattering, I know but it grates on my
very soul having to look at the long grass out my
I can't seem to get enough... magazines. I subscribe to probably 20 of them at
this point on various subjects. I read one every
night before I go to bed.
I always seem to have enough... magazines. See above.
I hope I always... have enough time to spend on all of my hobbies. It
seems to get less and less each year due to grown-up
responsibility type stuff.
I wish I could... take time off to travel whenever I want to.
I could never... live somewhere where my family isn't. I love them
all (even the crazy ones).
I hope I never... have to sell my house because I've spent a lot of
time on it making it my own and it would crush me to
leave it.
I wish I hadn't... chosen the major I did in college. I graduated with
a degree in Communications when I really should have
gone into computer science or something similar.
In my craziest moments... I fantasize about taking the slow boat to China.
Believe it or not... I've managed to escape three potentially fatal
illnesses/accidents in my life when I probably
should have bit the big one but didn't.
If I were super-human... I'd fix this whole global warming problem.
More & Less: - more Space for my hobbies, less Sleeping space (I mean, how much do you need, really?)
- more 2 x 4 bricks in every conceivable color, less 1 x 1 round plates (I have a million of those suckers by now)
- more Taking the time to smell the roses., less People being in such a hurry all the time.
Rules I try to live by: - Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
- Everything happens for a reason (even if it doesn't seem like it at the time).
- Just breathe and count to 10.
Formal name: Theresa L. Dickison Age: 52 Gender: F Member Since: 30-Jun-2011 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  Wisconsin
Personal site: Theresa Dickison My Collection: Set Lists