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Joe Andersen

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Space. Space. Space... hmmm... trend developes? I have always liked the classic (late 70's early 80's space) from childhood. I'm now trying to build up a collection of that, and also starwars and spaceport

My fascination with LEGO began... virtually at birth....

I once built... A large fleet of spacefighters. Doesn't sound like much, but they were all colour coded and stuff, which seemed pretty cool when I was 10

Someday I will build... another large fleet of spacefighters. This time, I'll try to get together enough peices so that I can have multiple copies of each craft, so it's more like a real fleet.

LEGO is great because... I've always liked it - something to do with my danish background, and my general fascination with space, and the old lego space was the best outlet for that as a child

LEGO fans are great because... I don't know - we just are

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Transformers, robotech

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: reading, soccer, football

My favorite Foods: almost anything

My favorite Movies & TV: scifi, action...

My favorite Artists: hmm... does Charles Schultz count ;) or Scott Adams or Bill Watterson or anyone else who does comics

My favorite Music: rock, pop some 'folk' (in the simon-garfunkle/dylan style)

My favorite Pets & Animals: dogs

Words which best describe me: loud, obnoxius,overbearing,cute(I'm told),umm.. the list goes on...

I can't seem to get enough... what, apart from lego,... umm... money to buy lego with...

Formal name:
Mr Joseph Andersen
Age: 46
Gender: M
Member Since: 4-Jul-2000


Personal site:
Joe's Out of date website

Snail Mail:

Joseph Andersen
Phsyics Dept
Uni of Qld
Brisbane   4072

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Joe Andersen and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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