Josh Trebilco
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: cranes
My fascination with LEGO began... When i was a kid
I once built... lots of things
Someday I will build... A working crane
LEGO is great because... it has endless possibilities
LEGO fans are great because... what kind of question is this?
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: remote control helichopters
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: rock climbing, martial arts
My favorite Foods: any
My favorite Movies & TV: action, sci fi
My favorite Artists: none
My favorite Music: rock
My favorite Pets & Animals: dogs
Words which best describe me: down to earth
I love it when... i get time off
I hate it when... people are stupid
I can't seem to get enough... time
I always seem to have enough... Work to do
I hope I always... stay healthy
I wish I could... retire early
I could never... enjoy ballet
I hope I never... have to fill out a form like again
I wish I hadn't... can't say on this form
In my craziest moments... same as above
Believe it or not... i think most of this form is unnecessary
If I were super-human... i would not be here
More & Less: - more consequences for ones own actions, less political correctness
- more travel, less costs
- more dogs, less cats
Rules I try to live by: - respect others as much as i can
- respect others property
- live life to the fullest
Formal name: Mr. Josh Trebilco Member Since: 10-Mar-2010 Country:  Australia
My Collection: Set Lists