Justin Pankey
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Town/Space and theme sets I use to create "Museums" for my townfolk
My fascination with LEGO began... Before I can remember
I once built... A 220 square foot town including an 8 story hospital with working battery powered elevator; multiple museums buildings finished with Lego Themes (wild west, egyptian, etc.); a speedway; large airport; lake with commercial boat port as well as public access beach; a freight loading station with 80+ frieght cars; a passenger train station (and passenger train); a space center with shuttles and rockets; a school with playground; a riding stable; Church; fire and police complexes; a bank, car repair facility, multiple gas stations, etc.
Someday I will build... A bigger town!!
LEGO is great because... It's model building at its' best. You can experiment with ideas and modify at will.
LEGO fans are great because... It's so cool to find if I'm Lego obsessed, at least I'm not alone.
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: What are those????
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: All things Lego
My favorite Foods: Chocolate
My favorite Movies & TV: News junkie
My favorite Music: Film Scores and Country Music and most stlyes in between!!
My favorite Pets & Animals: Rabbits and guinea pigs
Words which best describe me: Lego obsessed
I love it when... There's a Lego sale. Especially a clearance!
I hate it when... I search all day for such a sale and don't find one.
I can't seem to get enough... Large gray baseplates
I always seem to have enough... 1x1 bricks :o(
I hope I always... have the parts and inspiration I need to keep building better and better models.
I wish I could... Set my collection (especially my town) up for public display so children all over could enjoy it.
I could never... Grow tired of Lego.
I hope I never... Vacuum up any critical pieces.
More & Less: - more black pieces, less yellow
- more time for Lego building, less time to work
Rules I try to live by: - Live for God and honor him, because he is the creator and gives all creative power.
Formal name: Justin Pankey Age: 55 Member Since: 30-May-2000 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  Michigan
Personal site: bricktownship.us My Collection: Set Lists