Sandy Oniga
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Any
My fascination with LEGO began... My disabled sister has been collectin for over 30 years at a rate of one or two sets per month.
LEGO is great because... It gives my sister a hobby.
LEGO fans are great because... They can help me in finding legos for my sister that are not available here in Australia.
Words which best describe me: Friendly, Helpful etc
I love it when... The sun is out, the breeze is cool, the grass is green etc
I hate it when... There is dissention in the home.
I can't seem to get enough... Chocolates ... :)
I always seem to have enough... Love
I hope I always... Have family and friends
I wish I could... Live in peace
I could never... Live without my family and friends
I hope I never... become negative
I wish I hadn't... done lots of things but lets not go there .... hehehehe
In my craziest moments... I've made lots of people laugh
Believe it or not... I have been sitting on this computer for about 5 hours searching for one lego set .... :(
If I were super-human... I'd fix the world
More & Less: - more Happiness, less Sadness
- more Trees & Grass, less Buildings and Cities
- more Contentment with ones own life, less Less jealously of what others have
Rules I try to live by: - Life is what you make it
- Make as many friends as possible
- Trust and believe it will work out in the end
Additional comments:
I am in constant need of friends who are willing to help me find lego sets for my sister, Vicki, who has a disability.
Formal name: Ms. Sandra Trudy Oniga Member Since: 9-Apr-2006 Country:  Australia
My Collection: Set Lists