Jamie M. Dunn
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Trains
My fascination with LEGO began... When I was very young. Unfortunately...there was the dark period, but it just gradually began again.
I once built... A pretty cool spaceship that had an auxilary spaceship inside.
Someday I will build... A lot more things that I build now.
LEGO is great because... It encourages imagination, and well, it is just fun :)
LEGO fans are great because... They understand the obsession, the crave, the feelings :)
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Erector Sets
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Electronics & Computer
My favorite Foods: Taco Bell
My favorite Movies & TV: Enterprise, Never Ending Story, Back to the Future
My favorite Artists: None really
My favorite Music: All kinds, a lot of 80's
My favorite Pets & Animals: A Turtle
Words which best describe me: Exotic and crazy :)
I love it when... a plan comes together :)
I hate it when... things don't work out and people are mad.
I can't seem to get enough... MONEY TO BUY LEGO! (and lego sets!)
I always seem to have enough... work to do.
I hope I always... have my significant other with me.
I wish I could... have a lot more room, and be very happy!
I could never... be mean, but I try :)
I hope I never... get sick.
I wish I hadn't... left my old home.
In my craziest moments... Those can't be said here :)
Believe it or not... I'm me!
If I were super-human... I would have x-ray vision, and would be able to fly.
More & Less: - more Happiness, less Fighting
- more Health, less Sickness
- more Lego Sets from the old days, less High Prices
Rules I try to live by: - Smile
- Laugh
- Have Fun
Additional comments:
Looking for the vast AFOL's out in the midwest. People who understand, and not mock :)
Formal name: Jamie M. Dunn Member Since: 4-Apr-2000 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  Minnesota
My Collection: Set Lists