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Rob Rivers

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: My favorite to collect are the mini for themes I like Star Wars and classics such as houses,ships....

My fascination with LEGO began... of course many years ago when I was no bigger than a Lego

I once built... many small things....

Someday I will build... an actual size Death Star

LEGO is great because... it's good excercise for the mind and there is no end.......

LEGO fans are great because... mind expanding people are always great to interact with

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: There is no other......

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Lego,Drawing,Art,and Yard Sales

My favorite Foods: The classic cheeseburger and fries

My favorite Movies & TV: Independent films,and mordern sci-fi

My favorite Artists: Bruce Bickford!,L. Da Vinci , Bosch

My favorite Music: Frank Zappa ,Uli John Roth,anything with good guitar

My favorite Pets & Animals: All animals!...and don't forget the insects....

Words which best describe me: lost & confused

I love it when... the toy stores have a Lego sale!

I hate it when... I can't afford a large Lego set.

I can't seem to get enough... Lego pieces!

I always seem to have enough... time

I hope I always... have my Lego to keep my piece of mind.

I wish I could... work for Lego!

I could never... work for K'nex!

I hope I never... lose my ability to create.

I wish I hadn't... stopped playing with Lego in my teen years.

In my craziest moments... I am the craziest

Believe it or not... I have an actual size Earth made of Lego hidden somewhere in case of an emergency.

If I were super-human... If?...who says I'm not?

More & Less:
  • more Honesty, less Lies
  • more Compassion, less Hatred
  • more Awareness, less Blindness

Rules I try to live by:
  1. be a part of the solution and not part of the problem
  2. if something needs to be done,do it.
  3. and of course Live and let Live

Formal name:
Robert Rivers
Gender: M
Member Since: 27-May-2005

United States of America (U.S.A.)




Snail Mail:

Robert Rivers
PO Box 5382
Bradford , MA 01835

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Rob Rivers and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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