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Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Mainly Space and Star Wars, but I dabble in every theme.

My fascination with LEGO began... somewhere between 1979 and 1982 I received my first set: 485 Fire Truck. Once Space hit the scene, I was hooked for life.

Someday I will build... a ginormous space ship.

LEGO is great because... your creations are only limited by your imagination (well, your budget and engineering skills come into play, but mostly its imagination).

LEGO fans are great because... they are some of the most creative people in the world.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Nothing too consistent, though I do have a large collection of Yamato Macross stuff and I used to collect 1/6 military figures.

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: civil and military aviation, history, music, movies, learning to use my camera, NHL hockey, scale modeling (mostly aircraft),

My favorite Foods: Variety is the spice of palate is ever expanding.

My favorite Movies & TV: "What is your favorite movie?" to me usually translates to "What is your favorite movie outside the original Star Wars trilogy." I love tons of different kinds of movies, but if I had to pick a favorite: Léon.

My favorite Artists: Franz Marc, Henri Matisse, Antoni Gaudi, IM Pei

My favorite Music: Too much to list here, but Orbital, Björk and Matthew Sweet are among my favorites.

My favorite Pets & Animals: I currently have a cat (the wife is a "cat person"), but the best pet I ever had was an Australian Shepherd named Micki.

Words which best describe me: Laid back, humorous and fun-loving.

I love it when... life is good.

I hate it when... life is bad.

I can't seem to get enough... gray/bley parts and Blacktron I minifigs

I always seem to have enough... 1x6x5 panels

I hope I always... have a sense of humor.

I wish I could... fund, design and build my own personal LEGO museum/convention center.

I could never... eat a million hot dogs in one sitting.

I hope I never... break under torture.

I wish I hadn't... eaten that really rare steak that time.

In my craziest moments... I leave the house.

Believe it or not... non-satellite radio is dead.

If I were super-human... I'd do cool stuff daily.

More & Less:
  • more compassion, less greed
  • more wonder, less blunder
  • more little powdered sugar donuts, less cancer

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Love and be loved as much and as often as possible.
  2. Life is short. Don't be a jerk.
  3. Don't expect anyone to do for you what you're not willing to do for yourself.

Gender: M
Member Since: 25-Jan-2005

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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