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Mike Tremel

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Pirate, Castle, Technic, and Train/Town.

My fascination with LEGO began... When I was 5.

I once built... 3' Technic submarine.

Someday I will build... Large Lego train layout.

LEGO is great because... It was a vital part of my childhood and have since gotten back into it. The possibilites are limitless.

Words which best describe me: obsessed with legos!!!

I love it when... I get a new lego set.

I hate it when... I don't have enough pieces to build what I want.

I can't seem to get enough... Legos!

I always seem to have enough... White Lego blocks.

I wish I could... Reaquire some of the Legos I had as a child as well as the ones I could not get growing up.

Formal name:
Michael James Tremel
Member Since: 25-Jan-2005

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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