Peter Blencowe
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Adventurers, castle, space classic or otherwise, trains, and of course the stuff I build my self!
My fascination with LEGO began... At about 5 or 8.
I once built... a neat little camper type thing, silly, but I wish I could remmember how to buld it now. Also a medium size space government center.
Someday I will build... A whole space city or castle village.
LEGO is great because... It comes with instructions but its still easy to do what ever you want with it.
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Computer games primarily RTS (that real time startegy), video games.
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Lego, tinkering with electronics, poking around my computer, other stuff.
My favorite Foods: oh boy hear I go: pizza, fried sea food and chicken, cheese cake, fresh bread
My favorite Movies & TV: Star Trek/Wars, LotR, old TV reruns, History Channel
My favorite Artists: Wagner
My favorite Music: opera, some jazz, clasical any song I hear that I like.
My favorite Pets & Animals: Dogs even though ours chews my Legos (or bricks for those who think it's stupid to say Lego)
Words which best describe me: laid back, high strung, contradictory, just-a-tiny-bit-out-of-sync.
I love it when... I finish a large or medium size building MOC.
I hate it when... I run out of bricks for a medium or large building.
I can't seem to get enough... gray/black bricks/roof bricks and bricks in general.
I always seem to have enough... Biology experiments that I don't like.
I hope I always... Build with Lego.
I wish I could... Have a Star Trek type replicator that I could hook up to MLCad so I could have all the bricks I needed.
I could never... Throw out my bricks.
I hope I never... Do the above.
I wish I hadn't... Lost most of the peices to my 90's sets.
In my craziest moments... I do imitations of cartoons, primarily spongebob.
Believe it or not... This is my first use of a posting forum/message board thing.
If I were super-human... I don't know what I'd do!
More & Less: - more Real fresh bread., less Bleached-out-air-filled supermarket bread.
- more reruns, less reality shows.
- more cable internet, less pop ups
Rules I try to live by: - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
- Never check your brain at the door.
- Never worry to much about what people think of you.
Additional comments:
This is realy my first forum use so if I say somthing that offends anybody just post or email me I probably didn't meen it the way it sounded. Also I have an odd sense of humor.
Formal name: Peter Blencowe Age: 34 Gender: M Member Since: 21-Dec-2004 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  Connecticut
My Collection: Set Lists