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Peter Blencowe

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Adventurers, castle, space classic or otherwise, trains, and of course the stuff I build my self!

My fascination with LEGO began... At about 5 or 8.

I once built... a neat little camper type thing, silly, but I wish I could remmember how to buld it now. Also a medium size space government center.

Someday I will build... A whole space city or castle village.

LEGO is great because... It comes with instructions but its still easy to do what ever you want with it.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Computer games primarily RTS (that real time startegy), video games.

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Lego, tinkering with electronics, poking around my computer, other stuff.

My favorite Foods: oh boy hear I go: pizza, fried sea food and chicken, cheese cake, fresh bread

My favorite Movies & TV: Star Trek/Wars, LotR, old TV reruns, History Channel

My favorite Artists: Wagner

My favorite Music: opera, some jazz, clasical any song I hear that I like.

My favorite Pets & Animals: Dogs even though ours chews my Legos (or bricks for those who think it's stupid to say Lego)

Words which best describe me: laid back, high strung, contradictory, just-a-tiny-bit-out-of-sync.

I love it when... I finish a large or medium size building MOC.

I hate it when... I run out of bricks for a medium or large building.

I can't seem to get enough... gray/black bricks/roof bricks and bricks in general.

I always seem to have enough... Biology experiments that I don't like.

I hope I always... Build with Lego.

I wish I could... Have a Star Trek type replicator that I could hook up to MLCad so I could have all the bricks I needed.

I could never... Throw out my bricks.

I hope I never... Do the above.

I wish I hadn't... Lost most of the peices to my 90's sets.

In my craziest moments... I do imitations of cartoons, primarily spongebob.

Believe it or not... This is my first use of a posting forum/message board thing.

If I were super-human... I don't know what I'd do!

More & Less:
  • more Real fresh bread., less Bleached-out-air-filled supermarket bread.
  • more reruns, less reality shows.
  • more cable internet, less pop ups

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  2. Never check your brain at the door.
  3. Never worry to much about what people think of you.

Additional comments:

This is realy my first forum use so if I say somthing that offends anybody just post or email me I probably didn't meen it the way it sounded. Also I have an odd sense of humor.

Formal name:
Peter Blencowe
Age: 34
Gender: M
Member Since: 21-Dec-2004

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Peter Blencowe and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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