Zach Pahle ("pneumaticsfreak")
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: star wars, mindstorms, space, shiny and interesting pieces and basically anything else thats not a really weird theme set.
My fascination with LEGO began... somewere between 2 and 12
I once built... an entire star wars rebel base with x-wings and control center and everything.
Someday I will build... a bigger rebel base.
LEGO is great because... you can build whatever you like; it's versatile; it's addictive; it builds good puzzle solving and building skills; shall I go on?
LEGO fans are great because... they make me feel like I am not alone in the lego universe.
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: there are fun non lego toys?
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: drums, wood working,military stuff,computers in genaral...
My favorite Foods: PIZZA!!!!!
My favorite Movies & TV: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Lady Hawk,Indiana Jones
My favorite Music: christian rock
My favorite Pets & Animals: dogs, rabbits, cats
Words which best describe me: out of control, crazy jack of all trade, master of none pneumatics freak
I love it when... I get lots of new legos:)
I hate it when... i don't
I can't seem to get enough... LEGOS ( and Liv Tyler)
I always seem to have enough... work
I hope I always... love lego
I wish I could... fly
I could never... fly
I hope I never... get rid of my legos
I wish I hadn't... been so damaging to my legos when I was youger
In my craziest moments... I feel like being nice to my sister
Believe it or not... I like legos
If I were super-human... I'd get all the legos in the world:)
More & Less: - more star wars legos, less bionicle
- more love ( for me), less hate
- more star wars, less ...
Rules I try to live by: - love lego
- hug lego
- cuddle lego every day
Additional comments:
Formal name: Zachary Pahle Age: 33 Member Since: 12-Jul-2004 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  California
My Collection: Set Lists