Steve Kotecki ("TwoBatMojo")
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Pirates, Space
My fascination with LEGO began... when i was young
I once built... A flying pirate ship like out of a video game or something.
Someday I will build... I time machine
LEGO is great because... It allows people of all ages to have fun and create.
LEGO fans are great because... They're all kinds of people
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Rugby, Games Workshop
My favorite Foods: Brownies
My favorite Movies & TV: Simpsons
My favorite Artists: Robert Capa
My favorite Pets & Animals: Dogs
Words which best describe me: Outgoing
I love it when... I get out of work early
I hate it when... I have to work on the weekend
I can't seem to get enough... money
I always seem to have enough... friends
I hope I always... can form my own thoughts
I wish I could... fly
I could never... eat living worms
I hope I never... die
I wish I hadn't... joined the marines
In my craziest moments... i pull my pants down
Believe it or not... i'm not a dork
If I were super-human... i would help george bush crush our enemies
More & Less: - more conservatives, less liberals
- more farts, less belches
- more cars, less suvs
Rules I try to live by: - leave other people alone
- let everyone do what they want unless it bothers me
- always have some change in my pocket
Formal name: Mr. Richard S. Kotecki Age: 45 Gender: M Member Since: 9-May-2004 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  New Jersey
My Collection: Set Lists