Tania Clucas
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Castle and Divers are my favorite - Castle is just so darn fun and cute, and I work for a bunch of Oceanographers and Fisheries scientists, so we have a good time with the Divers sets at work.
My fascination with LEGO began... As a kid I had to fight my dad to play with my Lego. At 27, I still have to fend his grabby hands off of my bricks. I really can't remember not having Lego around to step on, chew on, feed to the vacumn cleaner. Now I try to treat it better than I did at 4.
I once built... Most of a scale model of the R/V Alpha Helix. But it didn't look that great, so I disassembled it.
Someday I will build... An entire hamlet that I am the diety of. I am a harsh and angry god, and the plastic people have much to fear . . .
LEGO is great because... You can create anything your heart desires with it (within reason, see reference to megalegomaniacal delusions above). I can be a wrathful god to my lego people if I want. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
LEGO fans are great because... They're so interesting, and willing to express their creativity. Though, I often wonder if there's some kinky plastic fetish involved.
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: My Strong Guy action figure
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Quilting, Reading, Puzzles, Computers, Comic Books
My favorite Foods: Thai, Baked Goods, Cheese
My favorite Movies & TV: The Cook, The Theif, His Wife and Her Lover (Movie), Profit (TV - it hasn't been on for years)
My favorite Artists: Monet, Terry Moore
My favorite Music: Almost anything!
My favorite Pets & Animals: My two kitties, Orphelia and Skulker
Words which best describe me: Eclectic
I love it when... someone scratches my back. Where I asked them to, and hard enough to make it count.
I hate it when... people whine about the weather. Do you really want that much control over your environment? Loosen up a little.
I can't seem to get enough... Money? Sleep? Time on my hands? I'd have to say any of those.
I always seem to have enough... sweaters. It seems strange, but living in Alaska, enough sweaters isn't a bad thing.
I hope I always... remain at least as flexible as I am now.
I wish I could... fluently speak a foreign language.
I could never... figure out how to write a decent program. I am one of the worst wannabe programmers you'll ever meet. Enthusiastic though.
I hope I never... have to ponder all the answers I could give to an open ended question like "I hope I never . . ."
I wish I hadn't... just ate two packs of M&M's. I think one would have been enough.
In my craziest moments... I am taken home. Look, when I go out anywhere with my husband, I'm the designated driver because the few inhibitions I have need to remain in place.
Believe it or not... I live in a cabin in North Pole, Alaska. I don't know Santa Claus, but I used to drive past his house EVERY day. And there was a restaurant down the way that sold reindeer sausage with breakfast. Really, no joke.
If I were super-human... I wouldn't keep my day job. Anyone remember the "Nova Express"? Actually, I seem to acquired some parking karma, so I may actually be super-human already. I would have preferred a fast metabolism, or gills. Flying seems so passe.
More & Less: - more Catnip, less Sage
- more Coca Cola, less Pepsi
- more Hockey, less Basketball
Rules I try to live by: - You deserve better
- You get what you deserve
- Being nice isn't as difficult as the people around you seem to think it is.
Additional comments:
I've been a LUGNET lurker for awhile, I think that Todd and Suzanne have done some wonderful things here. Yeah them!
Formal name: Tania Clucas Member Since: 23-Feb-2000 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  Alaska
E-mail: tania@sfos.uaf.edu
My Collection: Set Lists