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Stephan Vogelfaenger
("vogeste0", "ste vog", "StephanV")

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Lego Technic Cars, Trucks, Motorbikes. Lego Mindstorm Robotic and Druids. Lego Castle.

My fascination with LEGO began... in the early ages of my life. This time i had a great Lego train with many buildings, cars and so on.

I once built... cars, trains, trucks, buildings and plans.

Someday I will build... a great scale truckmodel with motor and mindstorm technology.

LEGO is great because... if i build every thing with Lego i feel younger and younger and younger.

LEGO fans are great because... they all have a child in their minds.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: my laptop, my digicam, by bicycle

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: my family, biketours with my wife, my friends

My favorite Foods: lasagne, pizza, noodles, chicken, fish, sushi and good cooked food

My favorite Movies & TV: Babylon 5, Star Wars, Matrix, Brave Heart, Gladiator, The Green Mile, Witchblade, Batman, and so on

My favorite Artists: T. Hanks, Jennifer Garner, R. Crow, M. Gibson, J. Connery, Sarah M. Gellar, G. Anderson, A. Milano

My favorite Music: Irish Folk, Folk, World Music, Trance, good old Rock

My favorite Pets & Animals: Jack Russel Terrier

Words which best describe me: incredible, lively, careful, friendly, kind, helpful, quiet, decent, loyal

I love it when... on weekend the weather is fine and my wife and i have breakfast in garden.

I hate it when... people are wicked, mean, sarcastic, arrogant and violent.

I can't seem to get enough... Lego Technic, Lego Castle

I always seem to have enough... friends.

I hope I always... healthy and happy married.

I wish I could... play bagpipes or an saxophone.

I could never... sing and dance.

I hope I never... mentally handicapped.

I wish I hadn't... sleep during my schooltime.

In my craziest moments... i will be a beautiful girl.

Believe it or not... i love every day of my life.

If I were super-human... i will marry Lana Turner.

More & Less:
  • more friendship, less war
  • more wealth, less poverty
  • more sun, less rain

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Life every day like the last day of your life.
  2. Life every hour like the last hour of your life.
  3. Life every second like the last second of your life.

Additional comments:

Hi all Lego Technican in the world, use all the time to build wonderful things.

Formal name:
Mr. Stephan Vogelfaenger
Age: 56
Member Since: 9-May-2004

Deutschland (Germany)

LEGO Users Groups / Clubs: Modellbaufans Rheinland, 1000 steine, LUGNET
Personal sites:
My Page, My Page II

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Stephan Vogelfaenger and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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