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Michelle Gapes

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Early town - the only sort you can build and tell a story with.

My fascination with LEGO began... With Hospital set 555 - my first back in 1979

Someday I will build... A big sculpture or Star Wars set.

LEGO is great because... It takes me away from the everyday and gives me something to play with my nephew.

LEGO fans are great because... They're all like me!

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Wedgits

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Renovating (kinda like big Lego!)

My favorite Foods: Italian

My favorite Movies & TV: Anything

My favorite Music: Australian Country

My favorite Pets & Animals: My best friend - Indie (maltese x shitzu)

Words which best describe me: Manic, obsessive, perfectionist

I love it when... I get a good Lego deal When I get a room finished in my house

I hate it when... The ads come on at a good bit in a movie.

I can't seem to get enough... Lego, shopping, shopping, shopping.

I always seem to have enough... I never have enough of anything.

I hope I always... can find the child within.

I wish I could... have a room in my house that I could put all my Lego sets into

I could never... have that room in my house, because I don't have enough rooms as it is.

I hope I never... get old and boring.

I wish I hadn't... got as old as what I have.

In my craziest moments... I buy more Lego.

Believe it or not... I really can't stand politicians.

If I were super-human... I'd run the world so we could get rid of all politicians.

More & Less:
  • more Town lego, less Bionicle and new boring Lego stuff
  • more Peace, less War
  • more Down to earth people, less Politicians

Rules I try to live by:
  1. No regrets - ever
  2. No such word as can't

Formal name:
Ms. Michelle Gapes
Member Since: 18-Aug-2003


My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Michelle Gapes and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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