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Rich Lucas

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Castle, Town, anything in a forest, Star Wars

My fascination with LEGO began... in 1966

I once built... Temple of Zeus at Olympia

Someday I will build... model of real Welsh castle to scale models of other modern buildings (real and imaginary) things I haven't yet imagined

LEGO is great because... Reason alone is not enough to explain its greatness! But if rationalization is required... What you can build is unlimited. Parts stick together when you want, and stay there, and come apart when you want.

LEGO fans are great because... They get it. They create the most amazing things, far beyond the scope of the original toy, and, of course, that is not only the point of Lego, it is what life is all about.

I love it when... LEGO Group releases a well-considered set or theme that is classic.

I hate it when... Microsoft releases new operating systems and versions of Office that are slower than the software they replaced.

I can't seem to get enough... chocolate.

I always seem to have enough... magazines.

I hope I always... have an active and explorative imagination.

I wish I could... own all of the original Castle sets from 1984-1986.

I could never... part with my LEGO.

I wish I hadn't... passed up the chance to buy sets in the Forest/Castle themes.

In my craziest moments... I imagine a house built of LEGO, a real one, for living in. But that would be crazy, no?

Rules I try to live by:
  1. harmony of the flow of life with time, place, and purpose
  2. golden rule
  3. respect for what we have and what it took to get here and now

Formal name:
Richard H. Lucas
Gender: M
Member Since: 16-Apr-2003

United States of America (U.S.A.)



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