Jeff Benson
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Star Wars, Harry Potter, castle.
My fascination with LEGO began... When I was but a wee tyke. The aquisition of the "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter" lines has re-awakened my dormant interest.
I once built... An E-Wing. Damn proud of that sucker. Also, an eight-middle section long pirate ship.
Someday I will build... A capital space ship with a crew of 50; a mini-fig scale model of Hogwarts Castle, complete with dungeons.
LEGO is great because... Imagination rules!
LEGO fans are great because... They give me money. Please? :D
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Reading, movies, Legos (duh).
My favorite Foods: Must ... diet ...
My favorite Movies & TV: Highlander: The Series ... almost any Michael Bay film
My favorite Music: Hans Zimmer
My favorite Pets & Animals: Three cats: Guy, Tippy, & Callie.
Words which best describe me: "You're such a nice guy."
I love it when... a plan comes together!
I hate it when... a plan doesn't come together!
I can't seem to get enough... sex! And beer! And lego!
I always seem to have enough... tests, papers, essays, reading responses ...
I hope I always... live!
I wish I could... own Lego Co.
I could never... own Lego Co.
I hope I never... die.
I wish I hadn't... gone to school today.
In my craziest moments... I've been known to *gasp* goof off at one of my three jobs.
Believe it or not... I'm very sarcastic.
If I were super-human... I wouldn't have to work three jobs! :O
More & Less: - more Paychecks, less Work
- more Snow, less Traffic
- more Legos!, less Cost.
Rules I try to live by: - Don't be mean.
- Be mean if they don't tip.
- Exercise at least twice a week (*snort*).
Additional comments:
I'm an English major at Towson University. I currently work three jobs in addition to taking 12 credits this semester: pizza delivery one night a week, the computer writing lab four days a week, and waiting tables four to five days a week.
It's a busy life. Currently, I have no time for original Lego constructs, although I do hope to begin work on my minifig scale model of Hogwarts this winter or spring.
Formal name: Jeffrey Benson Member Since: 2-Apr-2003 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  Maryland
E-mail: jbenso1@towson.edu
My Collection: Set Lists