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Victor J. Zuylen

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Bionicle, mecha, robotics, space, Star Wars. If it's science fiction-y, I'm into it.

My fascination with LEGO began... at or around age two. Mysteriously, the copyright dates on some of my first LEGO kits reach back to 1976 - a full year before I was born!

I once built... a detailed version of the Batmobile from Tim Burton's first Batman movie, right down to the taillights.

Someday I will build... a spot-on replica of the Alien by H.R. Giger, without using any standard bricks or plates.

LEGO is great because... it continues to fascinate, regardless of age.

LEGO fans are great because... they extend the possibilities of LEGO even further with inventive design methods and new building techniques.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: mecha, Transformers, miscellaneous action figures.

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: books, Internet, movies, music, toys, TV, videogames.

My favorite Foods: chocolate and pizza. Not at the same time though.

My favorite Movies & TV: horror, science fiction, Futurama, The Simpsons.

My favorite Artists: H.R. Giger, Dave McKean, Masamune Shirow.

My favorite Music: Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Tool.

My favorite Pets & Animals: none. But thank you for asking.

Words which best describe me: caucasian male, red hair, suspicious-looking.

I love it when... a plan comes together. Or, when I find new use for an existing LEGO part.

I hate it when... I accidentally step on a LEGO part with my bare feet. It hurts and it's usually not good for the parts.

I can't seem to get enough... Bionicle ball joints, small lever bases, and technic 3 axles with studs. Some more curved (as opposed to sloped) bricks wouldn't hurt, either.

I always seem to have enough... standard bricks and plates, like 1x2's and 2x4's. And where did all these minifig seats come from?

I hope I always... will be allowed and able to continue my hobbies, no matter how expensive and space-consuming they may seem.

I wish I could... afford a LEGO Star Wars Star Destroyer. Or any of the big LEGO kits, really.

I could never... be away from my hobbies and interests for more than two weeks without suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms.

I hope I never... run out of room and/or storage for my LEGO parts.

I wish I hadn't... stored all of my LEGO parts in a big garbage bag when I was young. I lost a lot of parts that way.

In my craziest moments... I believe my latest LEGO contraption can actually fly.

Believe it or not... it can't.

If I were super-human... I would totally abuse my powers. My current scheme for world domination isn't working out too well.

More & Less:
  • more technology nerds & geeks, less corporate lobbyists & lawyers.
  • more animated TV shows about transforming robots, less animated TV shows about collecting monsters.
  • more special DVD features, less DVD's trying to pass off chapter stops and subtitles as extra's.

Rules I try to live by:
  1. If something seems difficult it is probably not worth doing.
  2. Everything you need to know you can learn from watching TV.
  3. I should stop modelling my life after Homer Simpson.

Additional comments:

That is all.

Formal name:
Ing. Victor Johannes Zuylen, MA
Age: 47
Gender: M
Member Since: 22-Mar-2003

Nederland (Netherlands)


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