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Bill Toenjes

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: TOWN, TRAIN, MODEL TEAM, STAR WARS, SPACE, INDIANA JONES + whatever set has the best parts for MOCs

My fascination with LEGO began... with a Samsonite set for my 4th birthday (1969), was rekindled when I bought a Black Seas Barracuda about 9 years ago and exploded with discovery of RTL, then LUGNET.

I once built... a MOC 1929 American LaFrance 100 fire engine featured on the website <>

Someday I will build... an entire GMLTC-style module of my own from the ground up, a Miniland-sized fire station with Model Team-sized fire apparatus.

LEGO is great because... it never goes out of style, you are only limited by your imagination (and budget for more bricks), and you can do it with your kids.

LEGO fans are great because... they are open, friendly, creative, and genuine people.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: iPod, Nintendo DS Lite, Wii, PS3, comic books/graphic novels

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: our kids, Movies, Music, Photography, Cooking, Bicycling, Camping, Gardening

My favorite Foods: Mountain Dew-the elixer of life! Mexican food, Chinese food, chocolate chip cookies, chips and salsa

My favorite Movies & TV: Movies - Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Matrix, LOTR, Coen Bros, Terry Gilliam; TV-Lost, The Office (US & UK), Futurama, Monty Python

My favorite Artists: the Impressionists, the LEGO Master Model Builders

My favorite Music: Eurythmics/Annie Lennox, Pat Metheny, Massive Attack, Portishead, Hooverphonic, Elvis Costello, The Waterboys, DeVotchKa, Bitter:Sweet, Natalie Walker

My favorite Pets & Animals: our 4 cats, dog, & 2 rabbits; the many visitors to our birdfeeders

Words which best describe me: hard working, creative, a good friend.

I love it when... the mail carrier or FedEx/UPS leaves a package in the door (more LEGO!) and when I find LEGO at garage sales.

I hate it when... I bonk my head walking under low doorways.

I can't seem to get enough... 1)time to do all the things I want to. 2)sleep.

I always seem to have enough... household repair projects, bills to pay.

I hope I always... am able to make someone else's day better.

I wish I could... get paid a living wage to build LEGO MOCs with my kids all day.

I could never... live without an outlet for expressing my creativity.

I hope I never... stop learning new things, lose my sense of humor.

I wish I hadn't... quit college before finishing my degree. Had a LEGO "dark ages".

If I were super-human... I'd want super-speed so I could finish chores/errands, then enjoy the rest of the day.

More & Less:
  • more Common sense., less Spoon feeding.
  • more Hours in the day., less Hours spent at work.
  • more Sleeping in late., less Early wake-up calls.

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Your family is number one.
  2. Do your job.
  3. Treat everyone else the way you'd like to be treated.

Formal name:
William Toenjes
Age: 59
Gender: M
Member Since: 2-Jun-2002

United States of America (U.S.A.)



LEGO Users Groups / Clubs: Greater Midwest LEGO Train Club - G.M.L.T.C., TwinLUG - The Minneapolis and St Paul LEGO Users Group
Personal sites:
ToomuchDew's Brickshelf gallery, Flickr: TooMuchDew's Photostream, TooMuchDew's MOCpages

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Bill Toenjes and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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