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Paul Boudreau
("Darth", "Legoman", "Paulie")

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Town, Space, Star Wars

My fascination with LEGO began... As soon as I was strong enough to put bricks together!

I once built... An AT-AT (1984!), Transformers, mini-cities.

Someday I will build... I am building a minifig-scale Cinderella's Castle (the one in Walt Disney World, Florida). I also want to build several mini-fig scale Star Trek vehicles, and US Navy vessels, as detailed as I can...

LEGO is great because... It is unlimited in it's capacity to amaze and astound everyone, including the builders themselves!

LEGO fans are great because... They are willing to sell me their spare 3033 buckets! :^)

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Star Wars

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Model building, 3d computer animation

My favorite Foods: Pizza

My favorite Movies & TV: Star Wars (duh), Star Trek

My favorite Artists: Dennis Muren, George Lucas

My favorite Music: Prodigy, Korn, DMB

My favorite Pets & Animals: Dogs. No cats, ever.

Words which best describe me: Not normal.

I love it when... I find someone who has a 3033 bucket.

I hate it when... the 3033 bucket is not for sale!

I can't seem to get enough... 3033 buckets.

I always seem to have enough... people asking me how long I have spent on Cinderella's castle.

I hope I always... find inspiration in the most unlikly places.

I wish I could... bring back the Twin Towers and all those people from there, PA, and the Pentagon.

I could never... own a cat.

I hope I never... own a cat.

I wish I hadn't... owned a cat!!!

In my craziest moments... I'm awake.

Believe it or not... I have many people who think I'm normal!

If I were super-human... I'd pretend to be normal!

More & Less:
  • more people who are capable., less people who are capable of only complaining.
  • more willingnes to learn., less willingnes to learn ways to avoid learning.
  • more Action, less Talk

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Play Well.
  2. Push the boundaries.
  3. Ask, don't settle.

Formal name:
Mr. Paul Henry Boudreau
Age: 49
Gender: M
Member Since: 20-May-2002

United States of America (U.S.A.)


New Jersey

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Paul Boudreau and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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