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Peter Andrew Biddiss

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Star Wars, Space (1980-early 90s)

My fascination with LEGO began... because I loved to create things

I once built... A tripod from the War Of The Worlds book by H.G. Wells

Someday I will build... A scale model of a Star Destroyer!! (When I can get all the pieces!!)

LEGO is great because... you can really stretch your imagination & it's not just for kids despite what some people say!!

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Anything Star Wars or general Sci Fi

My favorite Foods: Steak, Steak & more Steak!!!!

My favorite Movies & TV: All Star Wars Movies, Kevin Smith Films(Mallrats, Dogma etc). Star Trek

My favorite Artists: none in particular

My favorite Music: Pretty much anything if I like a song.

My favorite Pets & Animals: Cat called Smudge

Formal name:
Mr. Peter Andrew Biddiss
Age: 45
Gender: M
Member Since: 12-Feb-2002

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (U.K.)

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