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Alex Vizcarra

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Town & Castle

My fascination with LEGO began... 6389 the fire control center - my first of many, many sets which i recieved for christmas in 1991

I once built... A town occupying half a room

Someday I will build... A huge town occupying a whole room (if not more!!)

LEGO is great because... LEGO allows you to do anything you want with it and it never gets old, you can always reuse them to make something completely different.

LEGO fans are great because... they realize how truely great LEGO is.

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: there are others?!

My favorite Movies & TV: Veronica Mars, Family Guy, The Simpsons

I love it when... I am able to find LEGO cheap

I hate it when... toy stores have no LEGO section

I can't seem to get enough... MINIFIGS!!! i always want more!!

I wish I could... have infinite pieces so i dont have to stop builing because i run out of bricks

I hope I never... stop playing with LEGO

I wish I hadn't... lost the instructions and the majority of the special pieces to 6389....i still kick my self about it....

More & Less:
  • more classic town and classic castle!!, less life on mars, juniorization...ugh
  • more cheaper gas, less expensive gas

Formal name:
Alejandro Vizcarra
Age: 41
Gender: M
Member Since: 29-Nov-2001

United States of America (U.S.A.)




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