Sheehan Halter ("Dragon Master")
Favorite LEGO toys/themes: Pirate, Castle, Space, Harry Potter, Town/City Center.
My fascination with LEGO began... On my third birthday when I got a tiny Pirate set. Ater that, I couldn't stop collecting LEGO sets.
I once built... A multi-colored tower about 4 feet high, 10 X 10.
Someday I will build... An entire LEGO town. And I also want to convert the Harry Potter train so that it will run on regular LEGO tracks.
LEGO is great because... There are so many options in what you can do with them. And I love the way after I play with them for a long time, my finger tips tingle.
LEGO fans are great because... They like to instead of watching TV all the time, they also like to just sit down and make cool creations.
My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Carnagie dinasaur toys.
My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Reading: Hary Potter, Jurasic Park, Lost World.
My favorite Foods: Anything that doesn't involve cruelty. (I'm vegetarian)
My favorite Movies & TV: Jurasic Park (all 3), Beetlejuice, Drowning Mona, Simpsons, Sienfeld, Family Guy, That 70's Show.
My favorite Artists: Van Gogh
My favorite Music: Buddy Holly, Ludicrous, Maxi Priest, Harry Belafonte.
My favorite Pets & Animals: Cats: Telly, May Day, Sampson, Chip, Juniper, Andy. Dog: Opus Bird: Winnona
Words which best describe me: Neurotic, active, funny, cares about the environment and animals.
I love it when... I find a tiny piece (LEGO) that I thought was gone forever.
I hate it when... My cat pees in my LEGO chest. And also when I go to K-Mart all excited about getting a tiny set, and I stare longingly at the big ones.
I can't seem to get enough... Armor and weapons for my army of castle mini-figs. And also, swords for pirates(oh yeah,I also can't seem to get enough pirates.) And gold coins.
I always seem to have enough... Basic blocks.
I hope I always... Have time for LEGOs.
I wish I could... Raise the dead, and kill the living.
I could never... Live without LEGOs.
I hope I never... Have to sell my LEGOs due to poverty.
I wish I hadn't... Lost all those important LEGO pieces due to sloppy care.
In my craziest moments... I run and jump and fall (on purpose.)
Believe it or not... I shaved my head 2 years ago, but haven't cut my hair since.
If I were super-human... I'd rescue animals from all cruel places(labs, circuses, farms, puppy mills, and more) And rescue the environment from destruction, and help all the hungry and suffering people in the world.
More & Less: - more Organic farming., less pollution
- more Natural candy and delicious soy ice cream., less Ignorance about animals that makes people hate certain animals like bats and snakes.
- more Diverse information on less well known animals., less Web sites and videos, etc. that just have stuff about the "populor animals.
Rules I try to live by: - Don't eat animal products.
- Don't harm the earth.
- Stand up to mean people.
Additional comments:
Try to find out informatiom on the company that you want to buy from, before buying from them.(like if they had sweat shops, or sell fur, or do somthing that harms the environment or somthing.)
Formal name: Sheehan Edward Halter Age: 36 Gender: M Member Since: 14-Oct-2001 Country:  United States of America (U.S.A.)
State:  California
My Collection: Set Lists