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Mark Zakrzewski

Favorite LEGO toys/themes: ALL OF THEM!!! Actually, the original Castles Sets were the story of my youth. Now, i'm quite taken with the StarWars Sets!

My fascination with LEGO began... When i was about 4 and dwindled away around age 12. But the i got a renewed LUSTER for it when i saw them make the first StarWars Sets after the release of Episode 1 in 1999.

I once built... An enourmous hollow tower with wheels on the bottom that acted like a transport and i wheeled all my LEGOs around in it.

Someday I will build... A minifig scale version of a Correlian Corvette, also know as a blockade runner, the first ship you see in Episode IV of starwars

LEGO is great because... It is simply AMAZING! The only limit to LEGOs is your imagination.....

LEGO fans are great because... They like LEGOs!!!

My favorite Non-LEGO Toys: Computers

My favorite Hobbies & Interests: Computers, LEGO, swimming, waterpolo

My favorite Foods: Pizza & Lobster!

My favorite Movies & TV: StarWars,Indiana Jones, James Bond : Series

My favorite Artists: none

My favorite Music: none

My favorite Pets & Animals: Dogs, cats, & fish

Words which best describe me: Outgoing, boisterous, adventurous, happy

I love it when... Its a gloomy day and i'm inside playing with LEGOs with my kitty, czas

I hate it when... Things just don't go my way, and i have a lousy day

I can't seem to get enough... SATISFACTION!

I always seem to have enough... trouble....

I hope I always... will be positive and make others around me happy

I wish I could... never have to work and just relax and play and have fun all day long

I could never... give away my LEGOs

I hope I never... loose the kid inside me

I wish I hadn't... ....

In my craziest moments... my hair is out of control

Believe it or not... .....

If I were super-human... i would get rid of all the bad and corrupt people in our world.

More & Less:
  • more Love, less Hate
  • more Compassion, less Resentment
  • more Coke, less Pepsi

Rules I try to live by:
  1. Be happy, and make thoes around you happy
  2. Never take anything for granted
  3. Enjoy life to the fullest

Formal name:
Mark Paul Zakrzewski
Age: 45
Gender: M
Member Since: 21-May-2001

United States of America (U.S.A.)



Personal site:
My College Home Page

My Collection:
Set Lists
Personal statements on this page are Copyright © Mark Zakrzewski and do not necessarily represent the views of LUGNET or its operators.

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