Pause Magazine's Lego Set Reference Guide - Ships & Boats

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Lego Boats have always been interesting. The first few were not even to the same scale (for instance, 709 Police Boat had a mini-fig captain, while 775 Fire Fighter was at a much smaller scale). These first sets included hulls made from three different types of pieces: a bow, stern and main hull section. Underneath, running front to back in the middle of the hull pieces, were holes two studs wide. To these, Lego builders would attach large weights. Today, the boats are made from solid, one-piece hulls, and incorporate many special features.

Set Number & Name Image Size Year Pieces / S@H$ Figs
709 - Police Boat 25k 77 50 / ? 1
4002 - Riptide Racer 26k 96 53 / $14.25 1
4005 - Tug Boat 43k 82 ? / $9.99 1
4010 - Police Rescue Boat 21k 87 77 / $15.50 2
4011 - Cabin Cruiser 22k 91 96 / $19.75 2
4012 - Wave Cops 30k 96 101 / $22.00 2
4015 - Freighter 42k 82 ? / ? 2
4020 - Fire Fighter Boat 26k 87 189 / $28.50 3
4021 - Police Patrol 26k 91 185 / $34.00 3
4022 - C26 Sea Cutter 42k 96 193 / $33.00 3
4025 - Fire Boat 42k 82 ? / ? 3
4030 - Cargo Carrier 29k 87 317 / $44.00 3
4031 - Fire Rescue 34k 91 349 / $52.00 ?

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