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 Organizations / United States / SMART / David Schilling / ideas / current_challenge

Current Challenge

See Next Meeting link for this month’s mini-challenge

Mini-challenges are the focus of SMART meetings. They are usually simple little problems for you to build a robot to solve. We keep the descriptions short so that you can build whatever you want to satisfy the challenge. The idea is to challenge yourself. If you’re an expert builder, make the challenge as difficult as you like. And if you’re just a beginner, building a robot that does even a small part of the challenge may be difficult and a learning opportunity for you.

Mini-challenges are the motivation for you to continue building robots month after month. They give you a chance to learn by building a robot. Even building something that doesn’t work is a great learning experience. And at the meeting you will have a chance to learn from others. Bring whatever you built. If it didn’t work, you will get lots of help from people at the meeting. And if it does work, it will teach others how to build and program their robots.

Have fun building robots!
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