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 Organizations /

Australia 1720
France 586
United States 16182
Canada 22486
Italia 8710

Train Organizations@
  • ILTCO - International LEGO Train Club Organization
  • - The central web site for the LDraw CAD system (virtual LEGO modeling).
  • Classic Castle - The source for all your LEGO Castle needs.
  • Your (international) Org Link Here (see contact info at bottom)
Finding Local Groups and Clubs

You can find information on local groups through the World LUG Map, the lugnet.loc.* groups, or follow the links at the top of this page to view the organizations in your country with LUGNET newsgroups.

Club and Org Newsgroups on LUGNET

Be sure to browse the sub-groups at the top of this page, under their respective countries or categories. If you are looking to have a new newsgroup for your club created, please post to lugnet.admin.general requesting the newsgroup be created.

Links & Resources
What’s Hot in

The curator for is Tim Courtney. Please send link suggestions for this area to lego (at) timcourtney (dot) net.

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Subscribe as mailing list– Regional user groups, clubs, and organizations for LEGO® enthusiasts: group formation, founding, planning, announcements, etc.; inter-group coordination and planning; general ideas, thoughts, inspirations, insights, experiences, etc.

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555 (3 weeks ago, 19-Feb-25, to

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