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  Gut 3 Jahre sind um. Zeit für ein kurzes: Ich lebe noch....
Moin Moin! die Arbeit der Woche ist fast getan. Das neue Jahr hat erste Schrammen und David Lynch ist heute gestorben. Also Zeit sich hier kurz zurückzumelden und zu schauen ob es andere Überlebende aus der Goldgräberzeit gibt? Beste Grüße aus der (...) (2 months ago, 17-Jan-25, to
  Re: LEGO museum in Ohio?
(...) I stumbled upon this very cool museum a few weeks ago, while traveling for work. They hadn't yet opened for the season, but luckily my job brought me back to the area a week later, and I was able to take a sprinting tour on my lunch break. (...) (2 years ago, 30-May-23, to, lugnet.general, FTX)
  The #OBBCSL 'Mini Movie'!
Here it is! My friend (who works in 'the biz') got some 'studio time' booked at his shop and we set up the #OBBCSL. He set up the lighting and the screens and I set up the layout. He originally thought about 'green (...) (3 years ago, 13-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce,,,
  #OBBCSL lit up and filmed with studio equipment
I had the opportunity to set up the #OBBCSL in a studio environment and get it professionally filmed today. This is a quick vid I made with my cell phone at one point. Hope you like it! Dave K (3 years ago, 5-Jun-22, to lugnet.announce,,,

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