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BIP v.3
Planning for the next phase of the Building Instructions Portal is underway. But your help is needed. Do you have a suggestion? Idea for new functionality? Hope to see something there that you don’t see now?

Please let Jake McKee know: Email BIP Webmaster.

BIP volunteers
In an effort to keep the BIP as high quality as possible, several volunteers are needed. We need people to help with:
  • Evangelism: Helping to spread the word around the Web and the world about the BIP
  • Designers: To design for both Web (site redesign) and/or Print (flyers, T-shirts, etc.).
  • Moderators: For lending me a hand in keeping the content, polls, error checks, and more fresh and up to date.
If you are willing/interested to help out and think you fit one of the categories above, please email BIP Webmaster.

Tips and Techniques

If you are making print quality instructions for bigger models, make sure to break up your CAD file into multiple smaller chunks. When working with the model, it’s easier to make changes. Additionally, when running the model through LPub, it helps break up the rendering so that in case something errors out, you don’t have to start over from scratch.

Suggest a tip - Email Curator

Important Resources

LPub makes Instructions very easy!
Building Instructions Portal
Brickshelf Scan Library at
Additional Official LEGO Building Instructions
lugnet.cad newsgroup
Download MEGAPov

Suggest a resource - Email Curator

Email the Curator

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lugnet.inst– Official (from LEGO) and unofficial ("MOC") building instructions and related topics, with an emphasis on computer-based instructions (as opposed to scanned or printed instructions): formats, storage, websites, ideas, etc.

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  Re: 10183 Instructions from
(...) (10 years ago, 23-Apr-15, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: 10183 Instructions from
(...) (10 years ago, 23-Apr-15, to lugnet.inst)
  Re: Starfighter instructions
(...) Jim, Very nice indeed! May I have the list of quirks, or are you looking into them? Kevin (15 years ago, 5-Aug-10, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.inst, FTX)

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