Why the big deal over 6-wide and 8-wide trains?
From Shiri Dori:
The fight between the two camps - those preferring the classic 6-wide trains versus the 8-wide trains - seems to be led by Larry Pieniazek and John Neal, respectively. Some may say that the fight is more for fun than anything, while others will proclaim its an ideological discussion, and will thus debate it hotly for all theyre worth. The 8-widers argue mostly that more space allows for better interior and exterior design, while the 6-wide camp says that it takes more creativity to build smaller, and thats the way TLC does it anyway (waitasecond... since when do we do anything TLCs way? hmm).
The recurring snappy remarks between Larry and John, however, need not be taken seriously, since the two jab fun at each other whenever they please, and its all good. Dont be intimidated!