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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
May 4-10, 2003

Serious LEGO
Jonathan “JP” Brown

   My bet is: If you’re slightly interested in LEGO Mindstorms, you have already seen this excellent site by JP Brown. Especially his CubeSolver that solves a three-sided Rubik’s Cube in about ten minutes. Even The LEGO Company was so impressed by his work that they asked him to make some copies for them! True, the CubeSolver is an amazing creation and it might take some of the “coolness” away from his other works, but they are all worth checking out! So, take a deep breath and prepare to launch to this weeks Cool LEGO Site! Oh! And make sure to duck for the Aegis!

(Reviewed by Tobbe Arnesson)

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