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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
December 15-21, 2002

Avalonnia, l’univers du prisme

   Avalonnia is a gaming universe based on the LEGO Castle theme, but richly expanded. Dozens of characters, several castles, and a large number of maps and other details are provided. The website is currently all in French, but the introduction has been translated to English. If the game catches on, no doubt it will be translated to other languages.

The website is a bit unweildy to navigate, due to a bountiful use of pull-down JavaScript menus, but with patience it is possible to get through all the pages. Note that the majority of the website is text. Those who just want to see pretty pictures should go straight to the Divers>Lego and Société>Navires sections.

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

Showcase of models built with LEGO bricks
(Additional banner ads by LEGO fans are here.)

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