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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
December 1-7, 2002


   MichLUG (the Michigan LEGO Users Group) is a group of about two dozen members in the Michigan (U.S.A.) area who get together to build and play with LEGO and participate in train shows. MichLTC (the Michigan LEGO Train Club) is a sub-club of MichLUG but is essentially the same group of people (for now).

What makes their website exciting is the amount of fun you can see they’ve had through their picture galleries. It’s a relatively new user group, but there’s a lot to enjoy if you dig. What’s nice about the pictures on the meetings pages is that you can dig into one or more “overall picture directories” (basically full dumps of digital cameras) contributed from different cameras, or you can look below at a selection of favorites in a presentation arranged by the site’s webmaster.

Space fans: don’t miss the moonbase modules on the Sep 7, 2002 meeting page! Train fans: don’t miss the cargo container stack on the Sep 7, 2002 meeting page! Town fans: don’t miss the buildings on the Oct 5, 2002 meeting page and the Oct 27, 2002 show report page! (How’d they do that, anyway? with the 1x2x2 classic white windows on the corner of that building? Woohaa!)

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

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