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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
November 17-23, 2002

The Brick Testament -Rev. Brendan Powell Smith

   The Brick Testament was first announced in October of 2001 with six stories from the book of Genesis. Since then Brendan has completed the entire book of Genesis and has been diligently working on much more of both the Old and New Testaments, all visualized with LEGO.

Bible stories come to life here in an easy-to-follow picture narrative with comic-book style word balloons. The photography is excellent and high-quality throughout the hundreds of pages. The settings are compelling, and the models are lavishly detailed.

Subtle touches of dark humor abound, contributing to the site’s somewhat controversial reputation... but it’s arguably all in good fun... and educational.

As Brendan put it in his initial announcement to the community, “Due to the fact that this is the Bible, there is some content which might not be suitable for all viewers.” Each story has been given its own rating for possible objectionable content, however, so you can use your own judgment.

Media journalists have taken notice, by the way, and really seem to enjoy the idea that there are adults who still “play with Legos” [sic]. Brendan has a FAQ about The Brick Testament and a Press page giving a lot of interesting background information and listing media sightings. It also mustn’t go without noting that The Brick Testament has been written up in both Spin Magazine and Time Magazine!

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

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