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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
November 3-9, 2002

Rolling Bricks -Dirk Meier

   Cool train designs abound here, with several engines, passenger cars, and freight cars. A few of the designs even come with building instructions. Of particular note is the delicious use of 1x2, 1x4, and 2x2 tiles on the sides of the cars. Don’ miss the 9-wide Deutsche Bundesbahn BR 101 locomotive with 2x2 tiles along the whole side, and the Swiss wine freight car (SBB).

There’s also a few pages of train exhibition photos, and a helpful Brick metrics page, and a small page of “SNOT” (Studs-Not-On-Top) building tricks for advanced building.

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

Larry Pieniazek's LEGO® Pages, featuring original creations of American prototype trains
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