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Cool LEGO Site of the Week
   Cool LEGO Site of the Week
October 20-26, 2002

LEGO Set Inventories - Dan & Jennifer Boger

   If you ever have needed to know which LEGO set (or sets) a particular part has come in, this is the site for you! Here you’ll find parts inventories of nearly 2,000 LEGO sets, painstakingly recorded by dozens if not hundreds of individual contributors. The site is updated almost daily, and everything is cross-referenced for your convenience, using a simple and easy-to-use text-link interface. You can even view inventories “visually” by clicking the Show pictures link on an inventory page.

Please note that these are unofficial inventories of official LEGO sets; the LEGO Company does not publish parts inventories for the vast majority of the sets it sells. Every effort has been made to ensure the highest quality of data presented to you, and the data is checked by many sets of eyes.

(Reviewed by Todd Lehman)

ULV-017 Planetary Exploration Rover
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